Starting to wander round the house


Registered User
Nov 19, 2021
My wife used to settle in our sitting room but has now started to roam the house. Yesterday she went out in her nightie next door but didn't knock; she said she thought I was ill because I was asleep. I had to lock the door and hide the key. New stage?


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Hi @Chris100
With you being asleep, it meant your wife was alone with her thoughts - this can cause a PWd anxiety, of course, if it's for any length of time - that's why she went to the neighbours. Maybe, for a moment, she might not have recognised you, as you were asleep (just a thought).

Yesterday, I stayed upstairs for a bit too long, I heard my mother go into the garden (the garden gate is locked). Realised, and made my way downstairs, she met me on the stairs - "Where've you been?"
"I told you I was going upstairs"
"You didn't"

At night it's not so bad, she gets up about once or twice, I normally have to get up too, if I hear her from my bedroom, to reassure (sometimes not, in latter months, actually). Things will probably get a bit better for your wife.