

New member
Apr 2, 2024
OH MY Gosh! If I have to hear, "Honey can we order some more stamps?" more time I'm going to scream louder than anyone has ever screamed before. Is it normal for them to repeat themselves It's like having a freaking parrot on my shoulder. If it rains, he says, "All it does is rain in this ****ing state" all day long. He changes his clothese all day long from pjs to jeans to pjs to jeans to pjs to jeans...


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome. I can feel the frustrations as I read, keep posting and rant away all you like, take it out on us other carers, we don't mind, it's why we are here. K


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
OH MY Gosh! If I have to hear, "Honey can we order some more stamps?" more time I'm going to scream louder than anyone has ever screamed before. Is it normal for them to repeat themselves It's like having a freaking parrot on my shoulder. If it rains, he says, "All it does is rain in this ****ing state" all day long. He changes his clothese all day long from pjs to jeans to pjs to jeans to pjs to jeans...
I feel your pain, I don’t have the changing clothes but can I have a biscuit, can I blow my nose, can I go to the toilet are repeated all day long. I do sometimes scream and have been known to make very small crumbs from a biscuit packet by jumping up and down on them! Use this place to rant, it helps me.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
My husband tells me the weather forecast all day long and I get the pleasure of hearing what the clouds look like at least 10 - 20 times a day.

I had to laugh as I was typing this my husband started giving me the weather forecast then wanted to show me the clouds out the window.


New member
Apr 5, 2024
My husband tells me the weather forecast all day long and I get the pleasure of hearing what the clouds look like at least 10 - 20 times a day.

I had to laugh as I was typing this my husband started giving me the weather forecast then wanted to show me the clouds out the window.
That sounds sweet, but it must drive u crazy


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
He has almost no short term memory. I don’t think he remembers that he’s told me the weather forecast over and over. I also think the weather app on his phone is one of the few apps he knows how to use. I don’t really mind. There are a whole lot worse things he could be obsessed with.

special 1

Registered User
Oct 16, 2023
Hi there. Yes if my husband if not sleeping in the chair he is bobbing up and down trying to get up of it and he can't walk unattended as he has a balance issue, but no he has to try and get up to walk. I have a pressure pad under his seat so I can hear if he is getting up if I am not in the same room with him, the same with the bed. He has me running back and forward just to put his legs back in the bed when bobbing up down just to say that the buzzer is making a noise. I try to explain it only happens when you sit up as you take the weight of it. But no. Anyway that is my sort of rant. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

annieka 56

Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
Hi there. Yes if my husband if not sleeping in the chair he is bobbing up and down trying to get up of it and he can't walk unattended as he has a balance issue, but no he has to try and get up to walk. I have a pressure pad under his seat so I can hear if he is getting up if I am not in the same room with him, the same with the bed. He has me running back and forward just to put his legs back in the bed when bobbing up down just to say that the buzzer is making a noise. I try to explain it only happens when you sit up as you take the weight of it. But no. Anyway that is my sort of rant. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Hi. I just think that some peop!e with an extremely damaged/degenerating brain have an instinctive will to try to keep mobile.
Struggling to get up and walk etc it's not a rational decision of course. They don't know there's a good chance they will topple over and it will take 2 people to safely get them up again.
Very difficu!t to deal with let alone understand.
"Does he have pressure sores?" - " No he doesn't sit still long enough. "
"Susceptible to falls?" - " Definitely... "

It really is a Lose Lose situation isn't it.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
I think this is the hardest state to manage at home unsettled , physically able to move about but unsafe
How does the poor carer ever rest😔