Spoilt Day out


Registered User
Apr 19, 2023
We have just got home after a day out with son & family and daughter & family & my Mum. My husband complains if I go out and leave him (he is able to be left) but he also complains about "having" to go out.
Quite frankly he spoils the day - buying 11 ice-creams and we gave 2 of the 4 young children theirs first but he was complaining and carrying on so much that he had to come before a 3 and a 4 year old.
Complains about my Mum on her mobility scooter - which stopped working 3/4 through the day.
Complains why did we have our other daughters 9 year old son (our Grandson) as she was at work but why were we having to look after him. Why was I buying everyone an ice-cream - well the list goes on.
Now we are home and he took our old dog out for a 10 minute walk and I made us a cup of tea and he has come back nice as pie - darling this darling that.
My thing is I dont want to be called darling and be all nicey nicey after a day of him spoiling things. I feel cross and upset where as he is oblivious to the upset he has caused.
I know I know it is not his fault he doesnt know etc etc
Sorry I just wanted somebody to rant to as I sit seething with my cup of tea and he sits happy as larry.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Rant and seeth all you like always someone here to listen and understand.
Forget the cup of tea for me, too near wine o'clock don't want to spoil my thirst. K


Registered User
May 1, 2010
@BeeBeeDee Oh I so know how you're feeling. My heart goes out tot you. I've just had family get together for 50th wedding anniversary. Son and partner came from London, stayed just one night. We all went out last night for a meal. WELL my OH wouldnt even change out of his old jeans abs jumper. I had to make him have a wash and shave. He treated me with such indifference, never spoke to me, at one point I put my arm round him and he stood there like a tailers dummy. He laughted and chatted with daughter and turned his back to me. Complained about the bill, about the fish about the wine. As soon as son went, oh he was as nice as pie, smiling and oh so friendly to me. I could have smacked him for spoiling things for me. I too am seething with you.


Registered User
Apr 19, 2023
@BeeBeeDee Oh I so know how you're feeling. My heart goes out tot you. I've just had family get together for 50th wedding anniversary. Son and partner came from London, stayed just one night. We all went out last night for a meal. WELL my OH wouldnt even change out of his old jeans abs jumper. I had to make him have a wash and shave. He treated me with such indifference, never spoke to me, at one point I put my arm round him and he stood there like a tailers dummy. He laughted and chatted with daughter and turned his back to me. Complained about the bill, about the fish about the wine. As soon as son went, oh he was as nice as pie, smiling and oh so friendly to me. I could have smacked him for spoiling things for me. I too am seething with you.
Some comfort from knowing we are not alone - we will seethe together X


Registered User
May 25, 2024
Just the same for me. Wherever we go he wants to go home after an hour or two, or wets himself, he does wear incontinence pants, so we have to go home. I now go out without him when it’s my side of the family. Luckily he can be left and doesn’t wander. If it’s his family (he has 3 kids from a previous marriage) then we just meet up for lunch and they take over and fuss over him, which he loves. No one fusses over me…….. I recently attended my dear aunties funeral and went on my own. It was a long session (church, burial and wake) but it was nice to be free of him and see family without having him moaning and wanting attention all the time. I think us carers are bl*****y saints and we all deserves medals! There are many of us who feel just like you. You are not alone 💗


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Have a big double fuss from me SoniaR with a double helping of ice cream and 2 cherries on top and a side helping of extra fuss.
Just why and how do we all do it on here? K