So, what’s my Pauline been up to today?


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Wow, what a turn up for the books. I really hope Pauline does return to the Day Centre and accepts and looks forward to it, it would be wonderful. So sorry to hear about her accident getting up to go to the toilet, this was the start of my Mum’s true incontinence, I hope it is not the same for Pauline.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Wow, what a turn up for the books. I really hope Pauline does return to the Day Centre and accepts and looks forward to it, it would be wonderful. So sorry to hear about her accident getting up to go to the toilet, this was the start of my Mum’s true incontinence, I hope it is not the same for Pauline.
She can’t remember the Daycare conversation although I keep chatting about how she loves it while there and how safe and looked after she is. Plus of course reminding her that afternoon Corrie gets recorded and she won’t miss it which is a biggy. Urine test was sent to hospital for checking and still awaiting a phone call about results.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
As a news and politics addict I have followed as much as possible from last night, poll closing and exit polls and of course continued today and Pauline has watched it also, but needing a sort of running commentary from me. So, once the results known and change of government confirmed I watched the Prime Ministers farewell speech after which she asked me why is he leaving? When I explained it yet again she was really puzzled as to ‘What Election?” It must be awful for her and the confusions it all causes.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
So, on Thursday morning I suspected a UTI and did dip test and then took sample to GP surgery. GP phone back saying it was inconclusive but evidence of infection and so sample sent to the Lab and he would phone me Friday afternoon with results and script. No phone call so presume results not back and so no script and she is definitely unwell. Confused, very tired and the picking at her face has got worse and now a bleeding sore on the side of her nose. I’ve got her to lay back in her recliner, put on Boom Light radio via Alexa and she now sleeps seemingly peacefully. The weather doesn’t help either as it is so wet and cold bu she looks snug under her comfort blanket.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
So, on Thursday morning I suspected a UTI and did dip test and then took sample to GP surgery. GP phone back saying it was inconclusive but evidence of infection and so sample sent to the Lab and he would phone me Friday afternoon with results and script. No phone call so presume results not back and so no script and she is definitely unwell. Confused, very tired and the picking at her face has got worse and now a bleeding sore on the side of her nose. I’ve got her to lay back in her recliner, put on Boom Light radio via Alexa and she now sleeps seemingly peacefully. The weather doesn’t help either as it is so wet and cold bu she looks snug under her comfort blanket.
Oh dear @Agzy if it is not one thing it's another. And always on the weekend. If you are at all concerned call your local out of hours doctors.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Morning @Agzy

Mum always ended up with her UTI at the weekend. 111 were actually good. Give them a call and tell them what antibiotics usually work and ask for them to be prescribed. You don’t want to wait for her to get worse until Monday.
you takencare too xx


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Such a big worry for you @Agzy.

Is there any update on your own health?
Cheers Sylvia, yes, things are going well for me which is just as well. The UVB light treatment for my Purigo has worked wonders and all over moisturising twice a day is a blessing at keeping the itching calm. The Bells Palsey, after 3 years is starting to heal albeit very slowly and still only got half a smile but feels better than it looks. The spondylitis in my neck seems to be easing with the excersize regime I follow every morning and that, along with doing ‘Belly Breathing’ seems to help with the breathlessness caused by the Paralysed diaphragm in my right lung. So yes, a lot better and even managed a 1,5 walk the other day!


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
Agzy, from what you say/write, it seems Pauline wears leggings every day? I wonder if they raise the risk of UTIs because some years ago I had some nylon leggings and after wearing them for a couple of days I seemed to get Urinary infections. The confined warm atmosphere seemed to give any germs the perfect conditions to multiply. Once I returned to wearing looser jeans and trousers I rarely have that problem.
She says, with her fingers crossed! 🤞


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i think you have to be careful with thrush, having anti-bios, trousers that make you sweat, moist and nutrients. if you have all three, you have a perfect breeding ground for anything. pull=-ups/pads make it worse as well.