So sad all them poor people


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
It's so sad I'm reading on here all the ones is struggle struggle struggling can be take care of the the dimension ones. It is bad scare scary to think maybe I will make my family so miserable miserable and sad and to be have to work so hard I wish I could know I can not be that way I'm free no not free pray all the time to not be that many trouble to my people and that the Lord will take me home ever before I'm get that way I don't know what to say about that makes it hard to stay cheerful you know be be having Joy but I know them dimension ones don't probably want to be mean or so many bother and I wish I'm wish them think didn't make me cry so much and then then people is asked why you are sad I'm hope you guys are good right this time I appreciate you all sorry that long say but saying but thank you I am can be allowed to say to say it God bless you all this is Matt


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
My Lisa say say probably better not to read that thing on here maybe it's right but I don't know can't can't be a coward about it either I don't know


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
It’s nice to hear from you again @MatthewB.

I’m sorry you’re sad. I’m sure you don’t make your family sad and that they love you very much.

Remember we’re all here for you too.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
It’s nice to hear from you again @MatthewB.

I’m sorry you’re sad. I’m sure you don’t make your family sad and that they love you very much.

Remember we’re all here for you too.
Miss Izzy hi how you are do that was fast to write do you can be happy most the time? It's hard maybe you see all the time the bad stuff too but some good happy thing too I'm hope I sure hope you do


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
It was a pleasure, over 10 years on this site wife first with early onset AZ then mum too.
I'd do it all again, tomorrow if I could.
Some people do struggle and I perfectly understand that but looking after the 2 women I care about most in the world, as I say I'd do it again tomorrow if I could. K

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
You are a wonderful person @MatthewB and have brought something valuable to this forum.

While you are struggling with your own health issues you are still thinking about others and that makes you special and very unselfish.

Many of us as carers are upset for the people we care about more than how their dementia affect us

If you do find the forum too upsetting, listen to your Lisa and stay away. If you do, I know you would be missed because we are learning so much from you

Take care.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
You are a wonderful person @MatthewB and have brought something valuable to this forum.

While you are struggling with your own health issues you are still thinking about others and that makes you special and very unselfish.

Many of us as carers are upset for the people we care about more than how their dementia affect us

If you do find the forum too upsetting, listen to your Lisa and stay away. If you do, I know you would be missed because we are learning so much from you

Take care.
Hi I miss Miss Granny that was so nice thing you see say mine Lisa is like me talk on this one she say you guys is say good things in no no so much she says can talk to you guys is good but maybe not look so many about the the man bad stuff and then and then won't be so sad she she think you guys are real good awesome


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
I think we all have happy and sad days @MatthewB. Try to focus on the happy ones.
Yes ma'am is right to focus folk on them going good one this talk thing don't understand sometime you mean I'm I'm mean to say is right to think more about good one then good one thank you


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Lovely to hear from you again @MatthewB

As @Grannie G says you are not going to be one of those mean ones. My mum never has been. She has always been cheerful right through her journey with dementia.

I have LOVED looking after her. It has been a pleasure and I have no regrets. Sometimes it’s hard work, but then so is a day at any job.

Lisa has good advice. If a post starts making you sad - close it and read one that makes you happy.

There is a new one Called Small Kindnesses.Pay it Forward.Pass It On, I think you would like that one


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I think that @sdmhred’s idea is a good one. Here’s the link to the thread she mentioned in case you want to have a look at it @MatthewB.


David Joseph

Registered User
Oct 20, 2023
To MatthewB,
I have found that people are tremendously understanding about people with dementia, both caters and supporters, and friends and relatives. You needn’t worry because people know you want to do the right thing, and that you are a good person. Stay happy.
Your friend,
David Joseph


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
To MatthewB,
I have found that people are tremendously understanding about people with dementia, both caters and supporters, and friends and relatives. You needn’t worry because people know you want to do the right thing, and that you are a good person. Stay happy.
Your friend,
David Joseph
That’s a very kind post @David Joseph and very true. Most people are good and try to help. @MatthewB you are probably the kindest and most generous of souls. A good person. What more can anyone be?

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
It's so sad I'm reading on here all the ones is struggle struggle struggling can be take care of the the dimension ones. It is bad scare scary to think maybe I will make my family so miserable miserable and sad and to be have to work so hard I wish I could know I can not be that way I'm free no not free pray all the time to not be that many trouble to my people and that the Lord will take me home ever before I'm get that way I don't know what to say about that makes it hard to stay cheerful you know be be having Joy but I know them dimension ones don't probably want to be mean or so many bother and I wish I'm wish them think didn't make me cry so much and then then people is asked why you are sad I'm hope you guys are good right this time I appreciate you all sorry that long say but saying but thank you I am can be allowed to say to say it God bless you all this is Matt
I cannot imagine how sad and scared you could be Matthew but take heart and believe the love your wife and family have for you. I am one who is the care giver yes, it is not easy and can be hard, but I really do not mind as I love my husband with dementia. Please believe that your family love you , and you sound so nive and sensitive . God bless you.l Keep writing and keep going. Much love from me


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
It was a pleasure, over 10 years on this site wife first with early onset AZ then mum too.
I'd do it all again, tomorrow if I could.
Some people do struggle and I perfectly understand that but looking after the 2 women I care about most in the world, as I say I'd do it again tomorrow if I could. K
You would do it all again yes sir I think you would and to me is make you a hero


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
In a heartbeat, no questions asked, better than sitting alone in the kitchen alone.
I joined this site in 2013, it's been a long time after reading for a long time before joining. Tomorrow it's work, my neighbour has a small company and some of the guys aren't comfortable working in homes and care homes where there are people with AZ, I put my CRB/DBS necklaces on and go and do a day's work, gets me out of the house.
Some private jobs he under quotes as I'll work for free when he does.
I never take any money but if I ever need anything they are there for me too.
My favourite phrase was when her and the children were being taken shopping in the car, she called him and said "I've got Kev, you don't want him for anything do you? K


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
I cannot imagine how sad and scared you could be Matthew but take heart and believe the love your wife and family have for you. I am one who is the care giver yes, it is not easy and can be hard, but I really do not mind as I love my husband with dementia. Please believe that your family love you , and you sound so nive and sensitive . God bless you.l Keep writing and keep going. Much love from me
You are so nice and I'm sure appreciate what you say to let me know even even though it is hard is is labor is labor of love always God bless you leny


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Lovely to hear from you again @MatthewB

As @Grannie G says you are not going to be one of those mean ones. My mum never has been. She has always been cheerful right through her journey with dementia.

I have LOVED looking after her. It has been a pleasure and I have no regrets. Sometimes it’s hard work, but then so is a day at any job.

Lisa has good advice. If a post starts making you sad - close it and read one that makes you happy.

There is a new one Called Small Kindnesses.Pay it Forward.Pass It On, I think you would like that one
Is a super good one! ! Thanks on showing thanks for showing and then one I'm is that one is so happy to read God bless you this is Matt


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
You are a wonderful person @MatthewB and have brought something valuable to this forum.

While you are struggling with your own health issues you are still thinking about others and that makes you special and very unselfish.

Many of us as carers are upset for the people we care about more than how their dementia affect us

If you do find the forum too upsetting, listen to your Lisa and stay away. If you do, I know you would be missed because we are learning so much from you

Take care.
People like you Granny is so too make us remind that there are truly kind people left in the world and you you take care of your own dimension once one people and did not get mad it's it's confused confused to me is bad things have to happen to to see the best things come out of people it's good to see them here thank you so much Miss Granny God bless you oh yeah this is Matt