Sleeping day and night


New member
Jan 15, 2023
My OH is not yet diagnosed with any type of dementia but it's quite clear he has cognitive decline. He has attended Memory Clinic and performed reasonably well. We're now waiting for an appointment for the next stage of diagnosis.
He sleeps day and night, apathy, poor mobility are just a few of his symptoms. I've read that sleeping all the time is indicative of later stages of dementia. Blood tests do not reveal any changes such as thyroid problems or anaemia.
What are other carer's experiences regarding sleeping.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @egan and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. It's good that things are underway with regards to your OH's cognitive decline, and you are right, sleeping more does generally happen during later stages of dementia. My mum sleeps a lot more now, and she was diagnosed around 10 years ago. You mention that your OH has apathy and it's possible that they may be suffering from depression, which can also cause someone to sleep more, and impact on cognition, but hopefully you will find out more at the upcoming appointment. This is a friendly and supportive group so please let us know how you get on and if you have any questions, just ask as there is a lot of shared experience here and people are happy to help if they can.


New member
Jan 15, 2023
Thank you. I read the forum regularly though this is the first time I've posted. I'm in awe of all who post and the support offered.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
It's good that you've found us @egan and I hope that you continue to post as this is a great resource.


Registered User
Nov 13, 2023
My OH is not yet diagnosed with any type of dementia but it's quite clear he has cognitive decline. He has attended Memory Clinic and performed reasonably well. We're now waiting for an appointment for the next stage of diagnosis.
He sleeps day and night, apathy, poor mobility are just a few of his symptoms. I've read that sleeping all the time is indicative of later stages of dementia. Blood tests do not reveal any changes such as thyroid problems or anaemia.
What are other carer's experiences regarding sleeping.
I'm in a similar situation with my OH! He hasn't even got a Memory Clinic appointment through yet, but has many symptoms and one is now sleeping night and day! It's distressing isn't it? I can't offer an explanation or answer, but can reassure you that you are not alone.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2016
My OH is not yet diagnosed with any type of dementia but it's quite clear he has cognitive decline. He has attended Memory Clinic and performed reasonably well. We're now waiting for an appointment for the next stage of diagnosis.
He sleeps day and night, apathy, poor mobility are just a few of his symptoms. I've read that sleeping all the time is indicative of later stages of dementia. Blood tests do not reveal any changes such as thyroid problems or anaemia.
What are other carer's experiences regarding sleeping.
Mum sleeps a lot as a result of a mixture of depression, boredom and loneliness. Sadly she's still lives alone. Have you tried filling the house with music and just letting it be quiet for short nap times.

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