Signing NH Contract on Behalf of Parent


New member
Jan 24, 2024
Hello I need some advice.

My Mum was sectioned (section 3) and then placed into a nursing home a couple of weeks ago. Because of the section 3 she is fully funded.

I do not have Deputyship .
I do not have LPA.

I have now received a contract that the home want me to sign. This is the first official contact I’ve had with the home other than them saying they had accepted her before she moved in.

Although it states that her fee at the moment is payed by the council, all spaces to sign include me being liable for all fees and extras (and presumably any top up fees) that may occur now or in the future… should funding not reach the home.

I do not want to sign this. I am not in a financial position to be liable for any fees.

Am I correct in thinking the home should be making a contract with the council or even the NHS not me?

Any advice is very welcome.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I would not sign an open ended agreement to cover fees and extras now and in the future.
I would ignore it and see what happens.
Is the placement permanent or temporary?


Registered User
Sep 24, 2020
I would say that without power of attorney or deputyship you have no legal power to sign on her behalf.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
The only way you could be liable for the fees is if you sign something agreeing to the liability.
Agree to everything but sign nothing I was always told, worked for me, my wife git CHC funding.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
My mum is under a section 3 and now on a specialist unit, I have had no contracts and been asked to sign nothing , all fees are dealt with by the LA and NHS. I suggest you don’t sign, if there is a question of a top up then that bridge will have to be crossed at the time by social services in the first instance as there is no one with LPA or deputyship.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2023
My Dad was also under Section 3 and therefore now fully funded under s117. The first home he was supposed to go to wanted me to sign a contact as funding confirmation hadn’t come through yet and I was in the process of applying to be his legal deputy. He didn’t end up going there and the home he is currently in has never asked me to sign anything.