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forty knot

New member
Nov 4, 2023
Hi, I'm Mary. My husband was diagnosed with vascular dementia last Wednesday. I am still processing this information though I had hoped his memory loss, confusion and mobility issues were due primarily to his two strokes (one in early June and one in mid September). So glad our daughter was visiting from a distant state when I received this news. I'm joining this group in search of advice and guidance as we continue on this journey.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @forty knot and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum, where you will find lots of shared experience, and members who are happy to help, support and give sound advice , so I am glad you have found us.
I am sorry to read of your husband's very recent diagnosis. Even if you were half expecting it, it will still have come as a shock and I'm sure your emotions are all over the place. It certainly sounds fortunate that your daughter was there with you when you received the diagnosis.
I am enclosing a link which you may find useful:
Please do remember you will always find understanding and a listening ear here.