Save My daughter's respite home Birmingham


Registered User
Jul 14, 2006
South Staffordshire
There is a small town about 10 miles away from where we live who are disposing of their respite beds and putting ( so they say ) the money into day care. As they are also closing some of the day care centres find it difficult to understand exactly what they are doing.

Off to sign now, good luck.


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Registered User
Sep 25, 2011
Have just signed, In Swansea they have just stopped taking people for Respite in LA. Care Home. My OH was due to go there in Feb. when I am due to go into oH ospital for an OP. Have been given a list of Private Homes but they are all full at present. Don"t know what I am going to do!! They are also proposing to close 2/3 LA Care Homes. It is dreadful!!!! Meglin.


Registered User
May 22, 2005
B]Meglin the respite homes situation is dire.Am hearing about a lot of closures.I had to have a major heart op and needed emergency respite for my daughter.The upset and pressure was even greater than the homes closure now and that is huge!! No one listening as usual,but I made such a noise about it that a very senior manager became involved and at the last minute was given the respite.Even that wasn't the end because the op went wrong leaving me with a stroke and needed the respite for longer.They refused then agreed on the understanding that I had NO MORE respite for the rest of the year.(March until end of December.) I refused again and that was rescinded.It seems to be ..if you donot fight authority then you get nothing.We need our charities to support us as well as MPs councillors etc.The net petition is my way of trying to get attention to a situation that is expanding at an alarming rate and needs redressing immediately for all of us. My obvious main concern is my daughter's respite home.Go to the highest member of authority Meglin and see if they can help you!Please let us know the outcome. Have been there and know how hard it is!!!
Think I have signed in both my real names.
Thank you all.
Jill Jeanette.


Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
signed it, hope you are successful. my husband works in the financial side for a charity offering respite care in our area for children and young adults with severe learning and other difficulties, the funding situation is terrible and he is very stressed as LAs just aren't paying any more.