Saliva problems

Lilac Blossom

Registered User
Oct 6, 2014
When hubby is in bed at night the sheets/duvet etc become soaked with saliva. This does not happen during the day when he is sitting in chair. He doesn't have a problem swallowing when eating and drinking but it seems to me that during the night what used to be an automatic function no longer happens.

Does anyone have experience of this happening to PWD (Vascular dementia) and, if so, did you find a solution?


Registered User

My late mum who lived with vascular dementia also had saliva problems. In my mum's case it actually happened during the day whilst sitting up.

Sadly we did not find a solution, and it lasted a few months. Also, do not know why it stopped. Therefore, in my mum's case the only conclusion I could come to is that it had something to do with the impact of her dementia.

If you have not already done so I would encourage your husband to see his GP about this.


Lilac Blossom

Registered User
Oct 6, 2014
Thank you for your reply Paco.

It's interesting to hear how this affected your mother and that after a few months it stopped. This encourages me to think that this might be a phase which will pass. I mentioned this to district nurse when she came to do some blood tests - she said she would find out and phone me but never did - I expect that compared with the many dementia related problems, this is relatively minor (it is).

Thanks again
Lilac x