Renting Dads house


New member
Apr 22, 2024
My Dad has been in and out of hospital for the last 6 months, he's finally been diagnosed with dementia along with other issues, when he first went into hospital we agreed that I could move into his house with my children, pay him rent while helping to care for him. We have a tenancy agreement etc in place so he is legally My landlord.

After 3 failed discharge attempts it's been decided he needs to go into residential care and is waiting for a Pathway 3 assessment bed, my question is where do I stand with the house? He owns it outright and has no savings, he's managed on his pension since my Mum passed away.

Would I be able to do a deferred payment with the LA and stay there until he passes and then sell, or will we be given 12 weeks to move out? I can't get an answer online and keep being told until he is assessed no one can give me an answer, but I'm worried sick ill be homeless with 2 young kids.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
No idea, but someone on here will, in the meantime hello and welcome from me and be patience, other will know. K

Jo P

New member
Feb 16, 2024
What can a residential place offer that having carers come into the house not b able to do plus you being there with him to help care? Having kids around a person with dementia is also shown to be beneficial.

Surely this would cost less? Moving to a residential care home is not always the best option, a lot can be done at home with the right support?

Have you been involved in the decision regarding this? Under the Mental Capacity Act a best interests decision needs to b taken and pros and cons shown for each possible outcome ie home care versus residential. You should be involved in this decision have you been?

if I were you start writing a list of the pros and cons for both options bearing in mind that it should be in the best interest of your father. Do you hold power of attorney for your father?


New member
Apr 22, 2024
He's been discharged home twice already, both times he's fallen within 12 hours and been re admitted to hospital. He doesn't listen, the first time I went upstairs to the loo, he got himself up and his legs gave out.

The second time the carer got him ready for bed, he decided he didn't want to go to bed yet and would sit in his chair, again suddenly decided to put himself to bed and fell.

He suffers with postural drops which the hospital have decided they cant treat and is so weak and frail from being in bed such a long time he just can't stand up and stay up without 2 people supporting him, last time he went into residential through Pathway 3, they said they couldn't meet his needs and sent him back to hospital.

I'm waiting for the power of attorney to be registered, the hospital have been absolutely useless with keeping me in the loop, unless I go and make a nuisance of myself I don't hear anything, he's a frail old man and it's so sad that I'm the only one fighting for him.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Would I be able to do a deferred payment with the LA and stay there until he passes and then sell,
It's a possible option, only the LA can give you the answer, why not ask them?
Remember on his death the loan plus interest and fees will have to be repaid, statutory time limit is 12 weeks.