Regarding disruptive posts


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Trouble is Bruce, I'm terminally nosy!:eek:

If I saw a post like

This message is hidden because ..... is on your ignore list

I'd have to un-ignore just to see what was said.

It can also make nonsense of following posts.

(And I can't resist a challenge!)

But I'll try to be good!:D:eek::D

I do see your point about why they use other people's threads, that hadn't occurred to me.


Registered User
Jan 31, 2004
near London
I do see your point about why they use other people's threads, that hadn't occurred to me

actually it is the same model used by the spammers.

People have said - why do spammers target a forum like TP?

The answer is that they ride on the popularity of the forum.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
There is no harm in reading these posts, the danger is responding to them.
There is freedom of speech....there is also freedom of reply.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands

Generally I can read and ignore disruptive posts....

I'd like to apologise for losing my cool last night...I'm not proud of myself. My only excuse can be that I was tired and more than a little stressed...:eek:

But if something good has come out of it that's fine....

And it does look as though maybe now something has been aired which should have been aired a long time ago...

Love gigi xx


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
Knowing T.P. offers so much support, humour, advice and it being a life line.

So, during the last week whilst making Funeral arrangements needed T.P. just as much as I have for a long time.

During the last few days, I have been appauled at some posts.

We have a daily battle with this herrendous illness without added daily battles.

So I ask, please as our loved ones are at peace now, may their be PEACE on T.P.?



Registered User
Jul 20, 2008

I would only ignore posters if I was being attacked in any way.
I do not want to do the playground thing where someone is sent to Coventry. I just want to have peace and I think by just ignoring disruptive posts it should have the desired effect. If it then becomes abusive, there is the ignore facility which I am pleased to find out about;)

So Christine it seems that peace has been restored and there is are a couple of ways to make sure that peace remains restored;)

I can only do my bit and I have decided not to respond to anyone's disrepectful and disruptive posts and I am sure at times my resolve will be tested - but I am determined;)


Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Like Hazel, I am terminally nosy and would have to un-ignore the person (great new word, Hazel) to read the post.

Jennifer - I never got any response.
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Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Oh good, I'm glad it's not just me!
And me:D But I am genuinely interested to listen to what everyone has to say and only occasionally is anyone offensive.


living in hope

Registered User
Dec 14, 2008
I've been reading the threads that are causing the problems and I just think its a shame that a site as good as this is having problems like this were people are saying things about each other, I have only just started posting on here, after reading things on it for a few months and thinking how supportive everyone was,Being in need of support myself, I hope that everyone can remember the reason we use this site and that if someone if deliberately disrupting the site they think about the harm they are doing.
Hoping we can get back to supporting each other


Registered User
Jan 31, 2004
near London
Hi Lorraine

you make good points.

please hang on in there, things will get back to normal soon.

TP is young yet, a teenager, and teenagers get boils that subside in time.

Great name - living in hope! :)

living in hope

Registered User
Dec 14, 2008
Hi Brucie,
I will hang on in there, I read the posts most nights when brian has gone to bed, it stops me feeling so alone, even if some posts make me cry because they strike a chord with me.
I dont know what I would have done without TP.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2007
I like that Bruce..TP the teenager!!:D

I think that the spats show that we are just human and in some ways it would be a sorrier place if we were all perfect. The disease can bring out the worst in all of us...just as Mother hood can..I can remember some of the spats we used to have in the Parent and Child group...mainly because we all get so exhausted that things annoy when they wouldn't ordinarily. We were all stressed, tired beyond belief etc. and I think that that goes for this place too and when you are like that it sometimes boils over.

TP does us a favour becuase it perhaps lets us boil over somewhere relatively harmless with people who will normally forgive and forget rather than with our loved ones. Just like teenagers always aim their angst at their parents because they have that security that their parents love them.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Sorry to be such a dunderhead, but what are disruptive posts? I haven't seen any and wonder if I'm either too thick-skinned to see the disruption or totally unobservant (quite possibly :)) I find it hard to believe anyone would want to harm a forum like TP, it would be akin to stealing the charity box in the corner shop.
Thanks and sorry if it's a dumb question.


Account Closed
Nov 23, 2007
I am 61, Ok, 62 this year

I still get spot's, zit's.

Are you all looking at me:rolleyes:

If not, say so.

Do not give me, if the cap fit's, wear it.
I have a big head:D
And the cap will never fit:p



Registered User
Mar 15, 2007
Sorry to be such a dunderhead, but what are disruptive posts? I haven't seen any and wonder if I'm either too thick-skinned to see the disruption or totally unobservant (quite possibly :))

Well, I'm glad you said that Vonny because I too was wondering which were disruptive posts - possibly I too am thick-skinned - I shall have to go back and re-read them I think......

I find TP so supportive but I shall be on the lookout now!!


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
I find it hard to believe anyone would want to harm a forum like TP, it would be akin to stealing the charity box in the corner shop.

Well you would think so, wouldn't you? Unfortunately some people get their jollies in some strange ways.

Anyway, I think the point of this thread is to point out that if you come across a poster who you are always in disagreement with and whose posts always make you roll your eyes, then you can set up your profile so that you never actually see their posts.

As to what constitutes a disruptive post: it's going to vary I'm afraid. Sorry to be vague, but what might be disruptive in some situations wouldn't be disruptive in others.

Please Vonny, don't worry about it.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Hello Vonny and Susiesue

Don't go looking for disruptive posts - there is no need. It's just that if you come across one then it is best to ignore it rather than respond. It is the responding often that causes the disruption because it seems to feed the flame. If it is ignored the flame will soon go out.
If you haven't seen them that is a good thing because you wouldn't gain anything by seeing them.
Love and best wishes
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Account Closed
Nov 23, 2007
TP is supportive, it is.

Well, I'm glad you said that Vonny because I too was wondering which were disruptive posts - possibly I too am thick-skinned - I shall have to go back and re-read them I think......

I find TP so supportive but I shall be on the lookout now!!

Please do not be on the lookout.
People on here are genuine.
I have a big mouth.
And am afraid, I use it:eek:. Well only, sometimes;)
But, all is not lost.
Keep posting.
Support is here.
I found it.
Why do you think I keep posting ????

Barb & Ron XX