Rapid decline


Registered User
Dec 24, 2022
My mum has declined rapidly over the last 2 weeks both with her walking and cognition. She also has that glazed look now which is there quite constantly. There is no evidence of infection. I am just so upset and sad to see this rapid decline. June 22, my mum was living independently , swimming twice a week, socialising, shopping. I just want to know if anyone else has seen or experienced such a rapid decline like this?

Not very (happy) Mother’s Day.


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Clarrisa

I've read of rapid declines here on the forum but I don`t think any are as rapid as your mother`s. It must be so difficult for you to live with this.

It is not since diagnosis though is it and I do know many people have a sudden and rapid downturn into another stage. It won`t make it any easier to realise this I know and I`m really sorry.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
My mum has mixed dementia and the vascular side does take step declines , one day they are fine, the next a bug chunk of ability has gone. My mum is now mostly off her feet, she won’t weight bear but sometimes can be encouraged to take a small walk. She has no conversation , no words really and has to really be encouraged to eat. Initially she was diagnosing with Alzheimer’s and lived independently for a long time but then suddenly everything went down hill and the psychiatrist felt that she now had mixed dementia. I wonder if this is what happened with your mum.


Registered User
May 22, 2023
My mum has alzeimers/vascular dementia.
Last couple of weeks have seen a sudden decline in mobility. Now more worried about that than her memory etc. She has been staying with for past few weeks as she having work done on her house. I'm worried now about her being back home alone although there is someone with her every day. X


Registered User
Jan 17, 2024
My mum has only had small signs of decline in behaviour for 6 months, imposter syndrome for 2 months
But a rapid decline in the last 3 weeks in her confusion. No diagnosis yet - brain CT scan Friday.
I have just attempted to talk to her on the telephone, to wish her a happy mother's day (as I am many miles away), she asked why I'd sent her a card and present today? Then told me she didn't have time to talk, had to go and clear up after 'the man that had moved in' stating 'she would smash him in the face, if he kept making a mess' definitely not my usually quiet, placid mum.

This is all very new to me and I know it is going to get worse. Loosing my mum as
I know her is heartbreaking.
I realise since joining this forum, many of you are having a much tougher time.
You are all amazing.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2023
My mum too has mixed dementia - Alzheimer's and vascular. The GP warned that vascular dementia went down in steps not gradually. In June 22 my mum was mobile, getting on with things though at times confused, thinking she had to pack to go home and not always recognising me. October 22 she had delirium, broke her hip in a care home (there for assessment), came home 23/12/23, getting around nicely with zimmer frame. Now she has heart failure, has had a stroke and TIA and spends most of each day sleeping, though still eating very well.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
@PammieA , is there anyone near your mum who could organise a GP appointment and get her there. A sudden dip could be due to an infection. I’m Assuming the ‘man that moved in’ is her explanation as to why she loses things, and not that she has a new lodger. My mum thought the neighbours came in a moved things around.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2024
There is definitely no infection, urine & blood results are clear.
She is being treated for Capgras syndrome (imposter syndrome), with anti psychotic medicine.


Registered User
Dec 24, 2022
Thank you everyone your comments have really helped and that you have seen similar patterns. I spoke to the nurse at the care home today and she said it’s a typical decline.

It’s just so awful.

Be strong,

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