Potential Sectioning


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
@Rowan23 ,my mum was sectioned over a year ago and I won’t lie,I was devastated, it was like the last straw. However once she was assessed and a plan was put in place I can honestly say it was the best thing to happen for her. She is now in a unit that a meet her needs and she is so well cared for and content in her world. I said to @Skylark/2 and I’ll say the same to you, now is the time to get the professionals to do their jobs , demand responses, demand a bed, be clear of the dangers and who will be held responsible if it all goes wrong or is not dealt with asap.


Registered User
Jun 15, 2020
@Skylark/2 @Rowan23
I am so sorry that you were both let down at the last minute - awful. As @Sarasa says, keep on their case. If you don’t some fool will assume you’re OK after all, and move on to someone else.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
Sound advice from @Sarasa for both of you. I am so sorry you have been let down once again. It must be like a nightmare you can’t wake up from. But don’t let the xxx grind you down. At the first sign of any aggression call 999 and get out.
Do let us know how you are both doing when you can, I and others will be thinking of you in the long night ahead.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2020
I am going through the process myself. The local mental health team issued a section 2 a couple of days ago after reviewing my husband in our home. My husband is verbally abusive and occasionally physical abusive towards me and sadly I felt threatened, taking refuge in my neighbours house and also locking myself in our car and calling the police. I am waiting for a bed for him to become available! He has Alzheimer’s and Memantine, an antipsychotic drug plus diazepam were not helping
As I understand it, he can remain in hospital for up to 28 days whilst assessments are made. Depending on the outcome (med plan in place ) he will be discharged back home or kept in for more observations and possibly into a care home. You will be kept informed and consulted at all times.
Do you have POA for financial and health and welfare? This might give you more clout when talking to social services about your father’s future.
personally, I feel guilty that I have reached this stage, end of my tether but I realise that I need professionals to help.
Good luck.
I hope you can get some rest and much needed breathing space once your husband is in hospital. Please don’t feel pressured into having him back home if that’s not what you want or feel you can manage. People can present very differently in hospital so if he does return home you’ll most likely soon be in the same position. I’d be very clear with the staff about what you want to happen and that might involve refusing to have him back.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2020
Good evening everyone,
Just a quick update.
After waiting at home all day , ready to go, we were told that a bed was not available for my husband! The reason being there were not enough staff on the ward.
Hopefully we will try again tomorrow but as usual my husband has started to get agitated ( sundowning) and I am feeling uneasy, he could become aggressive.
Frustrated day and annoyed.
Really sorry this has happened. I replied to your previous post before reading your update. I believe they have 14 days to find a bed from the date when the section was completed by the social worker. If a bed isn’t found within that time they have to start the whole process again. Don’t hesitate to call the police if you need to. There will be a hospital bed somewhere but not necessarily in your area.


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
Not in the same place as you yet, but if anyone can please advise?
My family member ha s been in nursing home for 11 months , diagnosed dementia 7 months ago, and lacks capacity .
She was moved to another care home few days ago so family members and friends can visit more often , but before she was moved we were told that the unit wasn't secure but was the only one available , mainly due to local authority funding , , Social services were a aware of the secure issue , was advised by the care home , but left the decision to us , but the care home said they would understand perfectly if we didn't want her placed there ,
We were afraid she would be left in the home she was in was was not good , for a few reasons, so we agreed she be moved.
She escaped yesterday and by time staff had seen her she was running down main road with just summer clothes on, when they tried to get her back she pushed the staff and punched 1 or 2 of them!
I have been told if she doesn't settle she will have to be moved on, but it will be a long distance placement AGAIN, ! Social worker just said , she thought she would have tried to get out sooner .
We have another home local which caters for all her needs and is a secure unit, but are not really giving us much information for refusing to put her there.
Sorry to go off the track of the original post , but I am worried that the same thing may happen as this ladie's father .
So if anyone can advise please I would be grateful.
I hope this lady can soon get her father sorted out xxx


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
So sorry that happened @cammyuk, but I think you may have to accept your family member has to be somewhere further away and safe than nearer and in danger. At least she was found quickly. However she may settle and if this home are aware of her need to escape they might be able to keep a better eye on her.


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
Thank you for reply Sarasa, I understand what you mean , I just can't get my head around why they wont place her in the suitable local place as it is quite a bit cheaper as well as meeting all her needs.
We have had such a battle for 11 months with this particular person and on quite a few occasions thought about going over her head but didn't want to make things any worse . x

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