Posting guidance: Researchers, students and professionals

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Staff Member
Staff member
Aug 15, 2022
1. Researchers and students

Members are welcome to use this forum to ask for general information about dementia, or to canvass for opinions without needing prior approval. But:
  • You should not plan to reproduce details or quotes of the responses you receive in your work.
  • Please don't ask questions which might lead members to post personal information.
  • Don't post your own contact details.
  • And please don't contact forum members privately.
Anyone wishing to conduct formal research on this forum needs to contact the Online Community Manager by emailing

Unfortunately, we cannot approve anyone studying at or below Masters level and all research must have ethics consent from the National Research Ethics Service (NRES).

Posts conducting research without approval will be removed as per our researcher guidelines.

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, please email
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Staff Member
Staff member
Aug 15, 2022
2. Professional members

Dementia Support Forum’s forums are a space for peer-to-peer support.

It should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should consult your doctor, or other relevant professional, before making any decisions that could affect you or others.

Professional members are welcome to read through threads on Dementia Support Forum to get an idea of people’s lived experiences.

Member posting in an advisory capacity will have their posts removed as per our terms and rules.

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, please email
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