Panic or anxiety attack


Registered User
May 8, 2024
Mum in care home for 6months and is very frail and is very sad..... I have a constant feeling of worry - I have been on anxiety meds (low dose) for a year to help cope with things...
And I know mum is cared for and safe,but just feel I'm 'waiting' for the next phonecall saying mums on way to hospital,as I did couple of months ago when she fell and broke her hip.. . I just feel in a constant 'alert mode',don't sleep and feel I can't breathe at times! Has anyone else felt like this....😪


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @susiecol I am sure that many members on here would understand exactly what you are feeling and describing. I remember it well from when my mum and dad were in the care home.

It’s ‘fight or flight’ mode and can be very wearing. It might be an idea to speak to your GP to see if your meds could be increased a little.,

Also try deep, slow breathing and walks out in the fresh air. One of the things that helps me when I am stressed is crafting, mainly crocheting or embroidery. The repetitive actions seem to work as a kind of meditation.

It’s early in the morning but hopefully other members will come along with their ideas later on.

Calon Lan

Registered User
May 21, 2024
Hi @susiecol

I am sorry you are feeling worried and anxious about your mum. I know exactly what you mean when you say you feel you are in a constant “alert mode”. I have the same feeling a lot of the time. I’ve also had anxiety attacks. Earlier this year I had a bad respiratory infection. I had several sleepless nights pacing about my bedroom finding it difficult to breathe. I think it was partly due to my illness, but also because I was very anxious about not being able to visit my mum.

My mum suffered a hip fracture about two months after first moving into a care home. Sadly it wasn’t managed very well by the care home staff. That certainly didn’t help reduce my anxieties about my mum. It would be completely understandable if your worries were at least partly driven by your mum’s hip fracture a couple of months ago. As you say, it’s that “waiting” for the next phone call.

My mum has been in residential care for about 16 months. She’s now in a good nursing home. I know she has people looking after her and that she is as safe as possible. I still find it very difficult to switch off worries and anxiety. Long walks usually work for me. They help me focus on the outside world for a while. My concentration is not great at the moment, but I can listen to music and that can help.

It’s good that you can talk to your GP about how you are feeling. I hope you soon start to feel less stressed and worried and that life becomes a bit easier for you.

Take care.


Registered User
May 8, 2024
Hi @susiecol

I am sorry you are feeling worried and anxious about your mum. I know exactly what you mean when you say you feel you are in a constant “alert mode”. I have the same feeling a lot of the time. I’ve also had anxiety attacks. Earlier this year I had a bad respiratory infection. I had several sleepless nights pacing about my bedroom finding it difficult to breathe. I think it was partly due to my illness, but also because I was very anxious about not being able to visit my mum.

My mum suffered a hip fracture about two months after first moving into a care home. Sadly it wasn’t managed very well by the care home staff. That certainly didn’t help reduce my anxieties about my mum. It would be completely understandable if your worries were at least partly driven by your mum’s hip fracture a couple of months ago. As you say, it’s that “waiting” for the next phone call.

My mum has been in residential care for about 16 months. She’s now in a good nursing home. I know she has people looking after her and that she is as safe as possible. I still find it very difficult to switch off worries and anxiety. Long walks usually work for me. They help me focus on the outside world for a while. My concentration is not great at the moment, but I can listen to music and that can help.

It’s good that you can talk to your GP about how you are feeling. I hope you soon start to feel less stressed and worried and that life becomes a bit easier for you.

Take care.
Calon lan thankyou -.I also had a respiratory infection and had antibiotics but have wondered if its not cleared up,but also know I'm 'stressed'....

We also love walking,but just lately I feel I don't catch my breath enough and the more I think about it the worse it becomes....

I will see what the doc thinks,I was offered 'talking therapy' last year and maybe it's time to.consider it,I've found the whole 'letting mum go' even though Into a home - I can't get my head around the speed of her decline...

Thankyou again 😌


Registered User
Oct 3, 2017
County Durham
Calon lan thankyou -.I also had a respiratory infection and had antibiotics but have wondered if its not cleared up,but also know I'm 'stressed'....

We also love walking,but just lately I feel I don't catch my breath enough and the more I think about it the worse it becomes....

I will see what the doc thinks,I was offered 'talking therapy' last year and maybe it's time to.consider it,I've found the whole 'letting mum go' even though Into a home - I can't get my head around the speed of her decline...

Thankyou again 😌
I can completely understand how you are feeling & the constant alertness, it’s exhausting & debilitating & generally very unpleasant.
Apart from walking, is there anything else you love doing, something you can get engrossed in and forget about everything else? For me, gardening is a big help. I think only about what I’m doing, plus it can be quite physically tiring, but a good tired, if you know what I mean. Crafts or jigsaw puzzles can have a similar effect.
Talking therapies can really help, I’ve done it myself, it’s good to get someone else’s perspective and what you talk about is entirely up to you.
I do hope you find a way to feel better, good luck


Registered User
May 8, 2024
I can completely understand how you are feeling & the constant alertness, it’s exhausting & debilitating & generally very unpleasant.
Apart from walking, is there anything else you love doing, something you can get engrossed in and forget about everything else? For me, gardening is a big help. I think only about what I’m doing, plus it can be quite physically tiring, but a good tired, if you know what I mean. Crafts or jigsaw puzzles can have a similar effect.
Talking therapies can really help, I’ve done it myself, it’s good to get someone else’s perspective and what you talk about is entirely up to you.
I do hope you find a way to feel better, good luck
Thankyou for your reply and as well as walking with hubby I also meet up with friends who also have similar situations and we do have a good chat..

I might consider the therapy-its good to get things off your chest isn't it...

Thankyou again

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