Not a good end to the day


Registered User
Feb 19, 2009
Cumbria uk
Hi Helen, just read your thread, it must be hard trying to work in the house when Alan's not settled, go to the Alzheimer's support group, you never know, they may just have that magic wand.
Glad your feeling more yourself today.
I know mum and Alan have different things wrong with them, but mum does find it difficult to cope with different people around, it always confuses her, its been hard in the hospital with the patients changing every 3-4 days, she just starts to trust them and there gone.
Hope things are better for you when your next client arrives.

(((((hugs))))) Love Lynn

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Hi Helen,

One of our members here has a signature that is something like "Sleep on it. It will be better tomorrow". So very true.

As for forgetting things, I seem to go through phases all the time. It does come down to being busy and/or stressed. God knows you have more than enough to be stressed about, as we all do.

Enjoy your support group, it is invaluable.

sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
Helen, how are you today, feeling better i hope, i have the same mixed feelings about work, i enjoy work and to be honest need to work to pay the bills, but sometimes think it is at trevors expensce. when i read of norrms and Elaines daily mostly happy excursions, think that perhaps i should take a leaf out of their book,is the idea of a room away from home feasable for you or would that just be even more stressfull, Havnt seen any garden photos for while, bet it is looking wonderfull, have you got a watering can than could breed with susies, have a good weekend my love. pam


Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Hi Helen,

Sorry, I went offline last night and have only just read what you have been going through. I'm so glad you are feeling better today...tiredness takes its toll on sufferers and carers alike.

Please don't worry about losing your car. When I was stressed out earlier this week I tried to get into work by using the key to my pedestal instead of the swipe card around my neck. Security gave me a very strange look :eek:

Hope you have a stress-free evening tonight

Vonny xx


Registered User
Jan 25, 2009
Hi Helen

Hope you had a good day today,and all went well at your meeting with the support group.Take care Marian xx


Registered User
Oct 14, 2006
Hi Helen,

I’m pleased to hear your feeling more relaxed and you could be very right about the affects of the drive being done having a rebound affect on Alan as such upheaval and noise distractions in our mind can affect us for two or three days after the event.

By the way I did make the new thread about (Building work and added confusions) it’s in the (I have dementia) section, have a read and you can see just how having some simple building and redecorating work done affected me:eek::eek::eek: