Non-stop sleeping... Caused by dementia or something else?


New member
May 27, 2024
My mom has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's since 2019. Recently, I've found she has become weaker and more tired, doesn't want to leave her bed, her legs are fragile needs to be in a wheelchair even at home and has coughs at night.

She was ok before and was able to browse around at home with a frame. Now, she can continue to sleep for 2-3 days without leaving the bed, I need to wake her up a bit and feed her water and food. After eating and drinking she goes back to sleep right away. When I asked her questions, she could answer me by nodding her head.

Is her dementia getting worse need to adjust her medication? Or something else that I need to bring her to the GP? But it's difficult to drag her out of bed; I'm her only daughter living with her.

Pls help!


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I think it’s quite common for people who have dementia to sleep a lot as time goes on. Having said that it wouldn’t do any harm to ask the GP for advice.

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Registered User
Dec 8, 2023
I would ask the doctors surgery for advice. Explain that your mum is not able to physically come to the surgery but you feel she should be checked over. Hopefully they will send a community matron or paramedic round. I've done this a few times for my dad when I've had concerns and they've always been very cooperative and it's been a relief not to drag him down the surgery for an appointment.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2024
I would certainly ask the GP's advice. This could be due to the dementia but having a cough as well it could point to heart failure or a chronic lung condition


New member
May 27, 2024
I would ask the doctors surgery for advice. Explain that your mum is not able to physically come to the surgery but you feel she should be checked over. Hopefully they will send a community matron or paramedic round. I've done this a few times for my dad when I've had concerns and they've always been very cooperative and it's been a relief not to drag him down the surgery for an appointment.
Thank you =)