Night rants!!!!!


Registered User
Nov 19, 2012
I need some help please, last night, B (my hubby) woke up and started going on about wanting to go home, who was I etc. I didn't really know what to do so I just played along a bit as advised by others. This worked for a while and we got back to bed, only to be woken up again about an hour later to be told that I was awful he was going to go now. B went down stairs and collected his dog and wanted me to unlock the door so he could go. It was about 4am still dark and cold. I again managed to get him up to bed after a lot of coaxing, but again after a couple of hours (it was daylight) he told
me that he was leaving, I just don't know how to cope with this. It is only the second time this has happened and I found it really scary.
He eventually reverted back to himself after we were talking this morning.
I just don't know what to do for the best.

Please can anyone give me some helpful advise, as I know that this is not unusual behaviour. :(

Lilibet xx


Registered User
Nov 8, 2012

How awful! and scary as you say. Well done for getting through the night. I have not had to deal with this situation, so am no help at all. I am sorry.

I am sure others will be along soon with some good advice, though.

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Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
I am sorry to hear this
It seems likely that your husband is Sundowning, I am not sure if you have heard this term before or not,
It is a period of greater confusion and agitation, I will put a links to factsheets on here about unusual behaviour and dealing with Aggressive behaviour in a mo, it may give you some ideas of the causes, though often their seems to be no physical cause

Hopefully others will be along with better advice than I can give

Other than using delaying tactics as you have done, I suggest you try and get a sample of your husbands urine to the GP just in case he has a UTI, which will cause greater Confusion
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Registered User
Apr 14, 2009
north staffs
Night rants

Hi Lillibet1

I'm not sure if what you experienced is the same as my situation. About 6 months after hubby was diagnosed we'd gone to bed and in the middle of the night wanted to know what I was doing in his bed and was concerned that although the attraction was there he didn't know how his wife would react and felt it wrong we should be in the same bed. This only happened a few times as eventually he was prescribed Aricept and Quetiapine. He has since always recognised me as his wife although it is now over 2 and a half years since we shared a bed due to serious illness and 5 months hospitalisation and rehabilitation.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I'm sorry but I only noticed your thread just now.

I feel sure it's sundowning. Other members have much more experience of this than I do and I hope they will be along to help. Barry has posted a helpful piece about sundowning from a sufferer's viewpoint. I'll find the link and post that in a minute.

My own husband has done this to the same extent as you describe twice so I don't have a lot of experience. I do agree with you that it's scary. Like you I eventually talked him round.

I'll look for that link now.
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Registered User
Nov 19, 2012

Thank you to all who have responded to my "night rants".
I am sorry that I can't reply to each one as when I tried to do so a message came up saying that I hadn't got enough threads, sorry I don't now what these are, can someone please explain (in simple language) how to use this website correctly!!!! A bit of a learner where this sort of thing is concerned. :(:(



Registered User
Nov 8, 2012
Hi Lilibet,

You don't need to feel obliged to reply individually:)

If you want to reply to a particular person though, look at the bottom right of the post, where you will see:

Respond to member.

Click on it and the person's message pops up in a box. You will be able to type whatever you want to say at the end of their message.
Then click: Submit Reply (bottom right)

Don't worry, because when you press Submit reply it will go on to the thread as the next post and the message you are replying to will appear nicely on yellow background with your reply following on.

Is that as clear as Mud?:D It is how I do it anyway.:)