Next steps?..


Registered User
Jan 24, 2023
Hi all I am after a little advice on how to proceed onto the next steps with caring for my mum and how to go about this. I will try to explain where we are at the moment, hopefully leaving out the frustration and emotion.

Mum is 76 she lives with us in our house. She was diagnosed with Alzheimers in February 2023.
She wakes around 6.30 ( I have no idea how well she sleeps) and after breakfast her daily routine is to swim and then buy a newspaper which she sits at the kitchen table reading over and over.
She will not attend any other social groups / activities or support groups - Trust me I've tried.
Mum is no longer able to cook prpoerly, I cook a family meal 5 x a week and the other 2 nights she will reheat something in the ove. She is unable to use the microwave or hob. She makes her own cold breakfasts and lunches.
I'm not sure how often she washes / bathes as she says she uses the showers after swimming, and she is unable to use the bath (mobility) at home and does not understand our shower.
Mum can only use the very basic functions of her phone and recently is unable to follow a phone conversation if it is not basic hello, how are you sort of thing.
She does not instigate any conversation and when asked her replies are short and often curt. She won't join in a conversation but will throw in mean comments.
She takes a multitude of tablets which I have offered a daily tablet box for but doesn't want, she puts all her tablets in a pot for the day and somehow knows which ones to take and when.

I'm sure you get the drift by now. So my concern is that her behaviour is now having a large impact on me and my family, to the point where we don't feel able to relax in our own home, its a bit like being in the Truman show, we are just there as her entertainment to be stared at ans commented on every so often, and its pretty miserable. Not that she this of course.

We feel that she and we would benefit from mum attending some other social outlet or having a companion in( This has been discussed with her back last September and it did not go down.

I'm sorry for the long post but I don't know what / where to go next in regard to contact her doctors and organise support without her knowledge or consent. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

TIA xx


Registered User
Aug 30, 2020
First of all - fabulous that she was s swimming every day. What a wonderful thing to be able to do. You could try getting a companion in and presenting them as someone to help you. It’s your home so it is up to you who is there. I found that I couldn’t get my Dad to agree to anything if discussed in advance but when I presented him with people to sit with hi as my friends, he enjoyed their company. I’d also suggest getting a medication review. I worried and worried about my Dad forgetting his tablets or taking too many and had many battles about locking them away/taking control. When we had a medication review it was agreed that the risks of most of them, including warfarin which he had taken for many years, did not outweigh the benefits and most of them were stopped. He seems absolutely fine without them and certainly no obvious adverse impact after six months. Good luck.


Registered User
Jan 24, 2023
First of all - fabulous that she was s swimming every day. What a wonderful thing to be able to do. You could try getting a companion in and presenting them as someone to help you. It’s your home so it is up to you who is there. I found that I couldn’t get my Dad to agree to anything if discussed in advance but when I presented him with people to sit with hi as my friends, he enjoyed their company. I’d also suggest getting a medication review. I worried and worried about my Dad forgetting his tablets or taking too many and had many battles about locking them away/taking control. When we had a medication review it was agreed that the risks of most of them, including warfarin which he had taken for many years, did not outweigh the benefits and most of them were stopped. He seems absolutely fine without them and certainly no obvious adverse impact after six months. Good luck.
Thank you Bettusboo, I will definately book a medication review.

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