

Registered User
Dec 9, 2013
Just wanted to pop in and introduce myself to the forum. Having used forums before (albeit wedding forums!) I know how supportive they can be.

I find myself here for my granddad. Who is and always has been the head and 'Godfather' of our family, full of stories and laughter. Coming from a caring background I recognised the signs along with all my family and knew that dementia was beginning and it was starting to devastate the loving and fun person my granddad is.

He has a formal diagnosis and is struggling to come to terms with it, as is my nan who has already had her share of caring for someone with dementia when my granddads mum (my grandma) was diagnosed several years ago and since sadly passed away. This weekend my nan broke down in tears I am worried that the stress is really start to get to her as well as my granddad. So my question to all of you fantastic, wonderful, amazing carers out there.....if someone could do just one thing to make things easier for you, what would it be? (I just need to find something that will ease the pressure on both of them)


Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
Book her in at the hairdressers/beautician/anything she enjoys and tell her you'll take over for that time.

Get her all of the practical support you can.

Has she applied for Attendance Allowance? If not could you find a group locally who can help fill in those forms maybe the AS or call the council to see if yours has people who can help like mine used to.

Can you contact someone like Crossroads Care who can offer to take grandad out or keep him company so nan gets a break?

Has Nan had a carers assessment - if not arrange it for her.

Is Nan OK talking to officialdom, if she's not confident, and you have time, be there with her for moral support.

I'm sure others will be along soon with other ideas. Just you being there are caring is I feel sure, a source of huge support for her.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
Hello Emma, a warm welcome to Talking Point, thank you for introducing yourself and telling us about your grandad, many of us here will be able to relate to looking after a grandparent, so hard when you are so young, so hard when we are older:( you asked what would make things more easy for us? here on this forum is a good start, understanding, support and even smiles can help us cope - some of the time - with this illness which can be very unpredictable, may I suggest that you ask social services what they can do to help, a bit of respite for nan so she can recharge her batteries, or maybe a few hours once a week at a day centre, so nan can be herself instead of being a carer, if grandad has some good friends may they get involved? just a cup of tea and a chat for an hour or so may make so much difference;)
Take care, and sending a hug, please do keep posting - Chris x

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