Newbie saying Hi


New member
Oct 4, 2023
Just joined.
My mum has Mixed dementia.
It’s all getting a bit much.
So hope this is helpful on here.

Posting on the finance section (if there is one) as found a way for the bank to to help outwith an active LPA - which is really fantastic.

In simple terms the Natwest bank, after much hoop jumping, have added myself as a ‘3rd party mandated’ person on my mum’s account.
I believe there are some caveats (things I can’t do) but to sort out care & food is going to be great.
I would image all banks do this??
Idk, in our case, had to go and see them in person, with mum, was referred to some specialist person, lots of emails back and forth.
A further visit to the bank with mum… All in all around a month to sort.

Anyway happy to be here, not so much the situation but it was it is: