New referral


New member
Jan 22, 2024
Hi, this is my first post here, I am the main carer for my mam who is currently under the memory clinic for a possible diagnosis. We've had the initial assessment at home with the memory clinic at the beginning of November which didn't go very well, which I expected. The next steps were a head CT, assessment with Occupational Therapy and then review again with the memory clinic. She had her head CT in November however we were told that review back in the memory clinic would not be until March. Things haven't gotten much better since then, if anything there has been a deterioration. Anyway, last week we got a letter from the hospital in Leeds which said that an appointment had been made for my mam to see a Neurosurgeon. This has come as a bit of a shock as it's not something that we were expecting, the appointment isn't for another two months and understandably I am worried sick as I have no idea what it's for. I have spoken to someone in the Neurosurgery Department who have said they will get back to me but it's been 3 days no and I still haven't heard.

Does anyone know if this is normal? Should I be worried? Should I be chasing it and getting a more urgent appointment?

Thanks in advance :)

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @bluebell83

My mother saw a neurologist who arranged for a scan to confirm her Alzheimer's. Perhaps this is what the neurosurgeon will want to go.

Don`t worry too much. Whoever your mum will see will be doing so in her best interests.

I hope someone gets back to you but if not, please accept the support I know you will be offered here.


New member
Jan 22, 2024
Thanks for your reply. My only worry is that she has already had a scan, a head CT at the local hospital. I am worried that it's something more with it being a surgeon that she is seeing. Hoping to hear back from them soon so we're not in the dark.