New member


New member
Mar 28, 2024
Hi, I have joined this forum as my wife, aged 73, has recently started showing signs of dementia. Currently we are awaiting formal diagnosis. Her main symptom is that she is forgetting major things like where he lives and who I am. Her children live some distance away so I have no help in caring for her. I am hoping that, over time, communicating with other people who are experiencing the same thing will help us.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Neil46

Having a diagnosis presents a steep learning curve and I`m sorry you or anyone has to experience this but glad you will have the support of this forum from the beginning.

Help will be available although you may need to fight for it and be prepared to wait.

One step at a time will be best

Until your wife`s diagnosis comes through there are sections on the site which might give you some useful information.