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New member
Jan 9, 2024
I am a new member that has a husband in the (Alzheimer’s) unit here where I live. He has been there one month short of a year. He has declined in that time. He is very mobile, tall, strong man. It’s hard to keep him setting very long, he always wants to be doing things. He pushes around furniture and tries to help other patients. He’s always been a kind loving man but now if they tell him he can’t do something. It really makes him mad. One of the biggest problems is going into other peoples rooms , I think he thinks it’s his room but there is a couple ladies families are upset. When you confront him, he is hard to distract. They’re telling me I may have to get outside help to watch him. It’s very expensive here and that added expense would be hard . There’s about three of us in the family that could sit with him different times. He is 83 years old and so am I if I go down too much it really wears me down and stresses me out. I’d appreciate prayers and any ideas you may have Can’t seem to interest him in much. Thanks and have a blessed day.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Lynn13

Your husband is displaying behaviours common to many people with dementia, going into other people's rooms, getting annoyed when told he can`t do something, and being unable to read the room.

He is unable to adjust his behaviour because of his dementia. It is the people around him who can change their approach. Confrontation is certainly a no no for most people and especially those with dementia.

I don`t know if this will help those who are caring for him but it has helped many others.


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