New Member Waving


Registered User
Jun 11, 2014
Hi~I care for my 86 year old mum and recently I've become concerned over her behaviour. I don't know if it is Dementia, Alzheimer's, or something else but our GP won't listen. I'm totally new to forums, but found myself here as a result of trying to find things out for myself online. I guess this is where I finish for now and go look around the rest of the forum/threads and stuff? Please, bear with me as I work out where to post stuff? Am I supposed to say more?


Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
Hello SherbetLemon, and a warm welcome to you to Talking Point, thank you for introducing yourself:) yes please do have a look around here, but it's ok if you just want to ask advice, need understanding or just a virtual hug ..everything seems to have been covered here, nothing is taboo...nothing shocks:rolleyes: our fact sheets are so helpful and they are very straightforward
This is the link should you wish to post
Look forward to you posting again, whenever you want, whatever time of day, there is always someone around
Take care- Chris x


Registered User
Jan 1, 2014
Dublin, Ireland
Hi SherbertLemon, and welcome. TP is the first forum I've ever joined too and I've found it invaluable. I hope you will too.

Just ask whatever questions come to mind and the answers will flow.


Registered User
Jul 25, 2011
West Midlands
Hello SherbetLemon. I suggest you keep a diary listing things that concern you about your mum. List them briefly and factually day by day. Than after a couple of months you should have some ammunition to show the GP. I did this for mum in law at the start of her dementia had things like
"found 13 large bars of chocolate in kitchen cupboard"
"found her drinking a mug of Lambrusco, has drunk a whole bottle since this morning"
"lady at launderette rang me to say mum was in there confused, didnt know how to work machine,with no money"
"mum has been shopping 3 times today, each time buying the same items"

Whatever your concerns, especially regarding her safety and mental state, put them down. It will also help you see how things progress


Registered User
May 17, 2014
West Sussex
Hello SherbetLemon, welcome from me too. As a relatively new member I can bear witness to the brilliant people who post here. Anything you may need, you can share and someone - sometimes many people - will come forth with a comment, an answer, some humour or a hug. Fabulous! X:)
I agree, by the way, to write everything down because you won't remember it otherwise and it will add weight to your case. Personally speaking, it was the one thing which rapidly got my husband to be assessed at the Memory Clinic.
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