new in here


Registered User
Dec 4, 2008
hello all and happy new year!

i have been lurking in here for sometime and posted a couple of times but i wanted to do a "formal" introduction of myself. i feel ready now so i do it.

i live in Greece, i am 36 and take care of my mother who is 80.

i am an adopted child and just recently found my biological family. i have 9 more brothers and sisters. this came as a great relief for me because i now know my roots and especially my sisters are so loving and tender towards me. i really need that now because my mother has vascular dementia and there are times i feel i am alone and if she dies i will at least have my sisters. we leave around 500km away, so it's not that we are so close but they visit and i visit too.

i also have uncles, aunts and cousins from my adoptee family and i have very good relations with them, but i feel my sisters and nieces who are around my own age, would be able to support me much more.

my mother's dementia is not diagnosed because my mother denied the scans needed and i didn't want to pressure her. but it seems to be vascular as she has thin blood (deficiency in folic acid, B12)

the condition started maybe 5 or more years ago with her losing things. it was not that bad but it became worst. as i was totally irresponsible it took me a long time to take her to the doctor. she is on meds for 2-3 years now. lately she is in a very good condition she cooks and wash the dishes, she goes to church alone, and for some shopping.

her short term memory is slightly declining and i observe that even long term memory is sometimes affected.

i feel safe now that I found TP. i see so much support and kindness in here that my eyes are usually full of tears.

i feel i am in the beginning and pray that i won't have to go through all these that i read in here. but i don't know what the future will bring...
i don't feel capable of supporting people who are experiencing such bad situations because i don't know what to tell them.

but i am here too... to take and give whatever i can... sometimes just a friendly ear... but i am here.

i adore your everyday efforts and struggles...

thank you for existing...

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Annoula

Thank you for such a lovely post .

I hope you will soon feel the benefit of the support Talking Point offers and it will help you get through such a distressing condition.

Your mother sounds to be doing well so far. I hope it continues.


Account Closed
Nov 23, 2007
Hello Annoula

but i am here too... to take and give whatever i can... sometimes just a friendly ear... but i am here.

i adore your everyday efforts and struggles...

Welcome to talking point:)
keep posting.

Barb & Ron X


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Hi Annoula, welcome to TP, and thank you for sharing your story. It's lovely that you have found your biological family, and that you get on so well with your sisters. I'm assuming that the mum you care for is your adoptive mum?

I'm glad you are finding the forum supportive, it's so valuable to so many of us. Don't worry about helping others, you'll soon find that you have advice to give to newer members, and you can always offer support where it is needed -- and many of us need it!



Registered User
Dec 4, 2008
yes my mother is my adoptive mother.. but for me it's just my mum.

i presented things nicely but it was and is not all the time, as you already know.

there were occasions that i would wake up at night because of her nightmares and i would go and wake her up and comfort her. it was not often but it made me feel so bad. this role reversal of daughter-mother...

it's been some time now that she seems to have a good sleep.
but it may also happen that she forgets her bad dreams in the morning or that i don't get to hear her... but in general we are fine so i just thank God and try to go on...


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dear Annoula

I, too, would like to say Welcome to Talking Point. I have found it to be a lifeline and do not know how I would have coped without it. I also feel a bit of a beginner like you. It will be nice to get to know you as you visit TP although I am so sorry that your mum has a dementia.

Love and best wishes

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Dear Annoula

this role reversal of daughter-mother...
I understand this difficulty, I think we all experience it. And those of us caring for husbands/wives/partners, have a similar role reversal. My husband is more like my child than my husband, as he is unable to share any of the responsibilities of marriage or running a home.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2008
my mother was not really a person of hugs and kisses. she had not received affection from her family and her relationship with my father was not thrilling..

on the other side i always needed affection and human touch, and for some years now i make her hug me and caress me. lately i feel like she really enjoys it and it is very comforting for her although she rarely makes the first move.