My Oli


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
My Oli went to the toilet today and when I checked I saw a long line of blood down the toilet bowl and into the water. I nearly had heart failure! He had no pain or discomfort and was totally unaware he had passed blood. For once I was grateful he hadn’t flushed the toilet so I bundled him into the car and drove straight to the GP surgery who were great and gave me a 4.30 appointment. The Pratice nurse says he doesn’t have a urine infection and that it could be a cyst in his bladder In which case we will have to see a urologist. We have to go back on Monday with another urine sample and to have a blood test done. Of course I’ve been reading up on line and everything seems to point to cancer but I really hope I’m wrong. I’m wondering if it might just be bilharzia so will ask them to check for that.
My poor Oli, he has no idea how worried I am and of course I won’t tell him but I hope the test results come back quickly.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2022
I noticed the same with OH, phoned gp to check water sample, came back clear. GP sent OH to urologist and they organised, scans, camera in a delicate place and checked prostate. I am happy to say they told me there is no cancer anywhere and they are just checking his bladder fully empties, because he is up and down to the toilet all night..also urine incontinent now. So I'm hoping we might get to 'solve/help' with his constant need to go to loo
So in my own way, I'm trying to say try not to worry until you find out
🤞everything works out ok


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I noticed the same with OH, phoned gp to check water sample, came back clear. GP sent OH to urologist and they organised, scans, camera in a delicate place and checked prostate. I am happy to say they told me there is no cancer anywhere and they are just checking his bladder fully empties, because he is up and down to the toilet all night..also urine incontinent now. So I'm hoping we might get to 'solve/help' with his constant need to go to loo
So in my own way, I'm trying to say try not to worry until you find out
🤞everything works out ok
Thanks Bakerst. He seems absolutely fine now. If I had t seen it myself I would have no idea that anything was amiss. I’ve been looking at his urine since the and it looks ok but possibly slightly discoloured. We will get the blood tests done tomorrow and take it from there.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
We went back to the GP surgery with a urine sample. It’s clear of blood thank goodness. They are still going to send the blood off for tests but think the problem is his blood thinners. While we were there the nurse noticed the white of his one eyes is blood red which seems to confirm their suspicion. About 2 years ago he had a small brain bleed due to the blood thinners. The stroke consultant took him off the thinners for a month and then restarted at half dose. I discovered afterwards through the pharmacist at the GP surgery that this should never have been done and It resulted in him having a huge clot. I am going to be ultra cautious this time and check and double check what they want to do with his dosage this time. Hopefully I’ll hear from the GP in a few days time.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I went to the surgery today to see if they had the results of his blood tests. I’m told that everything is normal! How is that possible when he had a stream of blood running out of his penis and the white of his eye red from blood. I will try and get a GP appointment first thing in the morning. Then I got home ,having been gone 15/minutes to find him missing. Thank goodness I found him walking up the road on his way to ’find me’. Heaven knows where he thought he’d find me.
Please excuse me being blunt but I’m very stressed right now.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I would just like to say that sometimes the NHS really does well. On Friday 10th March I noticed a lot of blood in his urine. We’ve had blood tests done and today he had a CT scan. On Friday he will have a physical examination with the urologist and I’m told we will get a diagnosis then. It’s called the 2 week rule whereby suspected cancer cases must be tested and diagnosed within 2 weeks and I understand that if it’s positive, treatment must begin within 2 months. I’m really impressed with the quick response. I may not like the outcome but at least we won’t be left wondering and worrying whilst waiting for a diagnosis.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
I've twice been referred under the 2 week rule. Once was a true scare and the other was to rule out potential issues. Different things. Both times I was seen in the timescale. Once was about 7 years ago and the other in the last 12 months. It truly is the efficient side of the nhs.

I hope the ct scan went smoothly today and Friday's outcome is a good one.