My mum recently diagnosed


New member
Aug 29, 2023
Hi everyone I’m Fiona my mum age 83 has been recently diagnosed with mixed dementia. She is currently still at home with my father
I was looking some advice about inviting her up some night to my house for dinner just to get her out of the house as she goes no where.
Would this be a bad idea? Thanks

I can’t seem to send a reply sarasa
Yes we are having a dementia coordinator calling out next week. We all go to hers on a Friday night and get chippy. My mum lays table etc so I was thinking of giving her a break and entertaining her. My dad is coping well he says he is she can be quite nasty to him at times. She asked me today how many kids I had and what were they called. When I suggested her coming to mine she was excited
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Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Welcome to Dementia Talking Point @Feefeeham. This is a very supportive and friendly place so I'm glad you've found us, though sorry that your mum's diagnosis has brought you here.
I think inviting your mum to your place is a good idea, though a lunch might be better. Often people with dementia are more confused in the afternoon and evening, and brighter earlier on in the day. Have you spoken to your dad about how your mum is, and have they started to put some support into place?
I don't know if this fact sheet would be useful.

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