My Mum’s dog, her life and purpose for every day was run down today


Registered User
Apr 26, 2023
Im just unloading really, my mu, was recently diagnosed and has been leading a very regimented life around her dog, which I believe has given her structure and enabled her to remain living independently and functioning. Today while she was walking it, another dog attacked it and Mum‘s dog ran away in fear. She tried to go home but ended up on their road and was hit by a car and killed. The driver didn‘t stop and Mum’s dog was a greyhound, I can’t believe there was no damage to the car.
My fear is now that she has lost her regimented routine it will hasten her decline. She says she doesn’t want another dog and at 88 years old, I‘m inclined to agree but I dont know what to do For the best. Any thoughts? Thank you


Registered User
Sep 9, 2020
Oh your poor mum, what a horrible thing to happen. That would be very traumatic to deal with, without dementia added to the mix. I think she's right to not want another dog. She and her dog would have had a routine forged together over many years. A new dog wouldn't easily fit that mould, and you might find that your mum actually finds it more stressful than not having a dog. Does she have any dog walking friends that she could meet up with every day, so that she still has that routine?


Registered User
Jan 6, 2020
I’m really sorry about what happened to your Mum’s beloved greyhound and can imagine how devastating this must be. I hope you’ve reported this to the police. Incidentally my own greyhound was attacked by another dog last Sunday although fortunately I managed to get her home. I just have a large vets bill for the treatment she needed. Is there anyone with a dog who could regularly visit your Mum. Depending on how your Mum copes you might consider adopting an older greyhound who has been in a home before as they often settle somewhere else very quickly.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
That's so sad for your mum @Pearlybobs and difficult for you. I agree another dog would probably not be a good idea at the moment. As @Firecatcher has suggested is it possible to find someone else close by who has a dog who would allow your mum to accompany them on a daily walk. This is quite a big ask of someone but may be possible if you ask around.


Registered User
Apr 26, 2023
Just a quick up date, Mum’s next door neighbour has been leaving her dog with Mum, yesterday afternoon and today. I think that Mum will go for walks with her and probably take their dog out when they are working. She seemed quite chipper just now. A lovely person (whose husband was with the dog when she died) took some flowers and chocolates round last night so Mum is chuffed about. However mum thinks that they were from the vets when she took the dog to be PTS. So it seems that Mum has processed this by believing that she took the dog and made the decision, rather than the actual traumatic events. Does that sound likely?


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
So it seems that Mum has processed this by believing that she took the dog and made the decision, rather than the actual traumatic events. Does that sound likely?
Yes, this seems very likely. She cant remember everything that happened, so her brain is filling in the gaps with false memories (confabulations)
If it eases her distress then its only for the good


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
I’m 77 and decided last year not to have another greyhound because if anything happened to it I wouldn’t be able to get it to the vet by myself because they sure such big dogs.
I am so sorry that happened to your Mum and her dog. If she believes that she took the dog to the vet and made the decision then I think that’s the way to play it.
I hope the police catch both the owner of the dog that attacked hers and the berk hit and run driver!


Registered User
Jan 6, 2020
Just a quick up date, Mum’s next door neighbour has been leaving her dog with Mum, yesterday afternoon and today. I think that Mum will go for walks with her and probably take their dog out when they are working. She seemed quite chipper just now. A lovely person (whose husband was with the dog when she died) took some flowers and chocolates round last night so Mum is chuffed about. However mum thinks that they were from the vets when she took the dog to be PTS. So it seems that Mum has processed this by believing that she took the dog and made the decision, rather than the actual traumatic events. Does that sound likely?
I’m so pleased your Mum will have the company of another dog some of the time and I’m sure this will help. As others have said it’s probably best to go along with your Mum’s version of the very sad and tragic loss of her beloved greyhound. I hope the person who was with the dog in her last moments was able to get the registration number of the vehicle involved. The police do take incidents like this seriously so it’s worth reporting if you haven’t done this already. Once again I’m deeply sorry that your Mum has lost her dog.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2015
What a horrible thing to happen, her poor little dog. 🐶😭 flowers💐

It's a blessing that your Mum doesn't remember it was a hit and run, I suppose.

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