My mother keeps eating the dog's food


New member
Mar 23, 2024
Hello everyone, I'd like to start off by thinking you all for this wonderful place to ask questions and get information about this terrible disease that my mother is going through. She's at the advanced stages of dementia and we're having a hard time with her because she keeps eating dog food. We've talked to our doctor and he says that it can't hurt her but it's just still so uncomfortable to see her doing this and I was wondering if anybody else has had this experience?


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Hello everyone, I'd like to start off by thinking you all for this wonderful place to ask questions and get information about this terrible disease that my mother is going through. She's at the advanced stages of dementia and we're having a hard time with her because she keeps eating dog food. We've talked to our doctor and he says that it can't hurt her but it's just still so uncomfortable to see her doing this and I was wondering if anybody else has had this experience?
hello @juliagoulia66 i assume your mum has a dog. could you put it away out of reach of your mum? does she feed the dog? i wouldnt force the issue as she might dig her heels in and have it more and more. if the doctor has said it wont harm her, may be easier just to ignore it.
how does she get her meals? can she cook, use microwave herself?


New member
Mar 23, 2024
hello @juliagoulia66 i assume your mum has a dog. could you put it away out of reach of your mum? does she feed the dog? i wouldnt force the issue as she might dig her heels in and have it more and more. if the doctor has said it wont harm her, may be easier just to ignore it.
how does she get her meals? can she cook, use microwave herself?


New member
Mar 23, 2024
Thank you for your reply. Yes they have 3 little dogs. My dad has tried to keep it from her but she seems to find it. She eats her meals for the most part but walks around with the dog food most of the day. My dad went to great lengths to keep it from her but finally have up trying to keep it from her.
I asked my question because my sister said she looked into it and said she found others do the same thing but I didn't find anything about it online at all.
I believe because she is fixated so much on the dogs that she thinks she should eat what they eat. I think it's just the sound of saying it and knowing she's doing that is really hard to cope with.