My mother does not have dementia or alzheimer's but she acts like it


New member
Apr 22, 2024
Around two years ago, my mum stopped eating, would regurgitate her food and water if she did, cooped herself in her room essentially living there, never talk, couldn't remember anything, neglected the house and our cat, which we had to give away.

Anyway, she had to go to the hospital for kidney failure because she wouldn't, and then couldn't, eat or drink but when there, doctors had ran tests on her for dementia and alzheimer's - to which she tested negative for. Now, I am not a specialised doctor nor do I know much but I know what isn't right. She had incontinence issues, and I had to clean her up whenever she spoiled herself, clean her up when she ate too fast like a caveman because she doesn't eat like a normal person, had to bathe and layout suitable clothes for her.

Two years later, aka now, she lives in an assisted living accom and barely functions as a human. She has carers doing everything for her, refuses to cook or do anything herself and can't even remember a simple thing I told her a few days ago. Her response to anything and everything is "I don't know." She can't hold conversation for more than a couple of minutes and just goes back to silence and staring. She starts to cry and get frustrated with me when she doesn't know how to change her clothes, or do a simple task. My family are convinced that, because it isn't dementia or alzheimer's, she is faking it but I really believe she isn't. She is an inept ghost of a woman that functions worse than a toddler. I used to want to be close to her years ago when she was manic and depressed and angry but now she just exists. It could have been depression that kickstarted this entire thing, with her history of it especially, but how does a depressed person walk around saying "I don't know/what do I do now" whilst staring blankly at you?

I don't really know what I am expecting out of this thread, maybe someone saying that a disease would develop later as she grows older ? It makes me sound like a terrible person to have that answer instead of her faking it and being depressed but I don't know. Like, that cat we gave away? She wasn't even fazed when I signed him away to RSPCA whilst I was sobbing and historically, she wouldn't have done that. Her sisters have called the police and rspca on her multiple times and my mum has gotten mad each time so i dont know....any advice would be helpful :)


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
You say you don't know what to expect from the thread you've posted on, well expect a world of understanding an and love, it isn't easy. K


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
I don't know what tests your mum had 2 years ago but unless she was referred to the memory clinic she won't have been properly tested for dementia. And 2 years is a long time.

My family are convinced that, because it isn't dementia or alzheimer's, she is faking it but I really believe she isn't.

Whatever is wrong, she's not faking it. To do so would take an enormous amount of planning and brain power - doesn't sound like she has much of that now, sadly. Start with her GP. Maybe send an email listing all her behaviours and issues first.

I'm not a doctor but a lot of the things you describe are very typical dementia symptoms and behaviours.

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