my mom passed away last night


Registered User
Dear Sara,

I am sorry to read of your sad loss. Your mum is free from the misery and may she rest in peace.

Deepest Sympathy,
Caring Thoughts,
Love Taffy.


Registered User
(((((Sara))))) not only your Mum but you yourself are so young to have to go through something as terrible and heartbreaking as this. Your the same age as my daughter and I am 1 year older than Mum. It breaks my heart to think you are going through this pain and wish I could take this away from you but I can't. I'm sending you loads of hugs and support. Mum is at peace now with your Grandad, may they both look down from above and guide you through your future.
We are all here for you honey if you need us

Love Diane x


Registered User
Dear Sara...

I'm so sorry to read about your mum..she was so young.

Please accept my sincere condolences....and remember we're still here for you.

love gigi xx


Registered User

I was so sorry to hear about your mum. She is now at peace and away from this awful disease.

Sending you a big hug.

Burfordthecat x x


Registered User
Dear Sara, for your dear mum 'peace at last'. So very sad though, and at such a young age.

Please look after yourself at this time.


Registered User
thank you

i would just like to say thank you so much for all your words of comfort, as always they have been a great help to me. i still look forward to helping others at their times of unease.
much love

Sam Iam

Registered User
Sara you are such a tower of strength, your lovely Mum will be proud of you.This disease is so much more horrendous when it affects young people. My thoughts are with you and yours xxx


Registered User
your mum had her family around her and she is now in a peaceful place.
take care of yourself and keep strong. i don't know you that much but i can sympathize with what you have been through and still are.
love and hugs


Registered User
In our thoughts

I am sat hear with a tear in my eyes, my family are so touched by your reply to my post, especially at a time like this for you. you and your family are in our prayers. Steve (zippyh)
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