My life changed today


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Thank you Pam:) It is council run which I'm ashamed to say that I'm glad I didn't know beforehand because I might have dismissed it out of hand:eek::eek: I have learnt a valuable lesson today about making assumptions:eek:

I don't think I've had time to take in what it all means because I haven't had a moment to get used to the enormity of the change. I have been thinking that 'if I feel like this - how must Alan be feeling?' Then I remember that it is the best that I can do under the circumstances now that Alan clearly can't cope with me working. I would have preferred not to have had to make this change but I now can see that actually Alan could benefit from this for meeting his possible care needs in the future somehow. It's better than it coming as a massive shock. If he ever needed it for respite then he will have become accustomed to the place.

You haven't mentioned how Trev is for a little while. Are things much the same?

Love and thanks