My husband has mixed dementia and hydrocephalus.


New member
Nov 27, 2023
I have been caring for my husband for 2 years and I have had no break at all. My GP thinks I have “carer stress” but in the last six months I’ve noticed changes in myself. I was told yesterday that one of my husband’s old colleagues has Lewy Bidders es Dementia. Out of curiosity today I looked up the symptoms and was surprised to see certain similarities in the changes I have noticed about me.

Firstly, about five months ago I sometimes saw spiders on the ceiling of my bedroom at night. The spiders were the size ze of the palm of my hand and had more than 8 legs. The scampered across the ceiling and then disappeared into the architrave. I’m not frightened of spiders. I’ve also seen small shoals of fish go across the ceiling and , finally, was aware of a snake near the headboard. All hallucinations. I mentioned it to my GP and she said it could possibly be the increase in the dose of Sertralline. I returned to the lower dose and the hallucinations have reduced but not gone completely. I have always been able to sleep very well but I am always tired all the time but at night I am wide awake. I read sometimes until 3am or 4am before putting the light out and going to sleep. Finally, I have little interest in food and quite frequently leave my meal half way through.

I noticed that all of the above are also symptoms of LBD. I’m 75 and find it more difficult to concentrate on tasks, use my computer and I also forget things. Obviously as a carer for my husband, I am greatly concerned that I too may have the beginnings of dementia. Any advice would be welcome.



Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @JayJay2u and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. This is a great place to benefit from the experience of others. I am sorry to hear about your husband and your own health concerns.

I don't know anything about Dementia with Lewy Bodies but others here do. What I do know is that it is all too easy to scare oneself into thinking that you are showing symptoms of something that you have heard or read about. That's not to suggest that you shouldn't take your concerns seriously. The best way to proceed is to continue to work with your doctor to rule out possible issues and to get a proper diagnosis and explanation.

I hope this helps. Do stay in touch and come back here any time you feel the need.