My dads bank card


Registered User
Nov 3, 2023
Hey All, I have posted before about my fathers dementia and read a bunch on here about PWD fixation on money. I have taken my dads bank card for safe keeping, as he began making large withdrawls. He was also carrying around his wallet with his bank card and the pin number written on a scrap of paper. I have POA for his finances and in the process of registering it with his bank. However, he is harassing me for his bank card to be returned. I am receiving none stop phone calls and he is very angry about it.
It feels wrong what I am doing, but I know im acting in my dads best interest. I know tons of people have gone through this, but I need advice about how to switch his fixation away from his damn bank card.
I forgot to mention, I have the large cash withdrawl he made in safe keeping and am topping his wallet up with x amount when he gets below £100 cash. I even feel uneasy with him carrying around that much as he misplaces things all of the time. Hes accusing me of all kinds of theft etc…. I am mentally drained with it all

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
Can you not open up a new account to put limited funds in and give him a debit card? An account that won't let him get overdrawn, maybe a building society account?


Registered User
Aug 8, 2007
Some banks will let the person with LPA set a very low limit on the particular bank card that the PWD himself has, so that (for example) the PWD cannot withdraw more than £30 or pay for anything with it exceeding £30, whilst your own card for that same bank account has a higher limit.


Registered User
Nov 3, 2023
Thank you both for the reply and its given me food for thought, I registered the LPA with the bank and should hear back any day now with a response. Once that is completed I may transfer the majority of funds over to a savings account and leave in a limited amount as suggested by try again. I am feeling guilty because I am really resenting my father now due to his behaviour, my heart goes out to all who are going through this


Registered User
Dec 18, 2023
I understand what you’re going through. My dad had dementia and his bank card was managed by my elder sister. She faced a lot of challenges, and he was always angry with her.


Registered User
Nov 3, 2023
My dad also has really bad delusions and he thinks that people are out to get him. I was contacted by a neighbour of my dads today telling me he had confronted one of the neighbours sons very mencingly, just as the neighbours son was getting his young daughter out of the car. It was captured on their cctv also and it was extremely concerning. Hes a very fit 72 year old and ive contacted his case worker today as im at breaking point with it all. The way hes going, hes going to come to harm, or cause harm. The case worker has said that hes having a hard time convincing the doctor to step in as the next step would be sectioning. I really feel strongly now that something like this needs to happen

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