My dad


New member
Feb 3, 2024

My dad is 64 and since three weeks ago, his BP was really high and since has lost all confidence in doing very basic tasks without asking multiple questions every day, can't walk properly (says he is unstable on his feet), lost all his appetite and lost a lot of weight. Doesn't sleep at all, which is affecting us in the house. And he is fixated on certain things which are always negative, especially financial things. We give him the answer but he doesn't ever believe us and asks the same things every day. He is highly anxious about that.

He has some private insurance he was paying for, and got a CT scan (results not come in yet). He didn't want to go under the MRI machine for a scan.

Is this a sign of dementia, is there anything we can do to make him understand or sleep, he is just highly agitated all day and personally I'm getting frustrated. The GP just gave us medication to control his BP but no advice on how to deal with him.



Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @lostperson and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to read that you are concerned about your dad's health problems which must be worrying for you. We are not able to diagnose on the forum and there could be a number of things causing your dad's symptoms including his raised BP which is why the doctor prescribed the relevant medication.

It is good that your dad has had a CT scan but that would only be the start of the diagnosis process if the doctor suspects that your dad might have a form of dementia. In the meantime I would suggest that you keep a record of any issues that your dad might have so that you can keep the doctor updated.

I know that it must be hard for you but please try not to get frustrated with your dad, he must be feeling quite frightened and scared of what the future might hold. Even though your dad does not have a diagnosis of dementia but you might still find that attached when talking to your dad.

In the meantime please keep posting here if you need any further help of even just to let us know how you are feeling.


New member
Feb 3, 2024
Thanks very much @SeaSwallow

That link is really helpful, I just don't know how to calm him down and the doctors appointments always feel like years apart.

thanks again