Mums Empty house


Registered User
Dec 2, 2020
Please dont worry about hijacking my thread. I found all of this very interesting. I can see from my original post that it looked like we would be using Mums money to pay for any bills, renovation of the house etc, but this is definitely not the case. We would take over all the bills, council tax etc and while there we would be renovating the property to a good standard. There is always a chance that Mums fees may have to be paid by her savings, but this would not cause a problem at all and we still would not have to sell the house for many years to come. We would only be living there temporarily until Mum passes and then the house will be included in her will.

Susan dalgress

New member
Jul 4, 2024
hi @Sarahbox
it's fine for you to move into the property as long as you pay your mum a fair rent and, of course, take on paying all household bills
as Attorney you will need to look into any tax issues for your mum receiving the rent as income .... and your mum is responsible for maintenance, though you can choose to pay for that yourself

just check about the funding ... is it necessarily for life, or could the section end .... you'll need to factor that in
My mums in a care home can I move in for abit I am homeless