Mum won't Eat - inevitable consequence

Margaret W

Registered User
Apr 28, 2007
North Derbyshire
Dear Lynne

You probably haven't heard from me. I am one of those people who reads all the posts but doesnt but in unless there is something specific I can say that hasn't already been said. Just to say that you have done the very best for your mum is all respects, she is lucky to have had you to help her out, and I hope you take comfort from that.

Much love



Registered User
Sep 11, 2008
Hello Lynn

I have only recently discovered tp. I lost my Mum just this week. She stopped eating last September and never ate another thing. However she would take, with a struggle the energy drinks. When we encounted a recent problem with them I had a wonderful dietition who prescribed various different supliments, protein powder, a fat liquid, vitimin suppliment etc. She also told me that there were things she could give Mum instead of food. I told Mum always that anything I out into her mouth was medicine, for us it worked. Mum gained much weight over the months which the consultant said is so unususl. We all associate food with life but Mum proved otherwise.


Registered User
Jun 3, 2005
Can I just draw your attention to the Alzheimer's Society's position paper on palliative care? :

The relevant section says:

Artificial hydration and nutrition

The Society believes that it is inappropriate for a person with advanced dementia to be given artificial hydration & nutrition for the sole purpose of prolonging life. Treatment should be given to maximise the quality of life & comfort of a person with dementia in line with the General Medical Council's guidelines on withholding & withdrawing life-prolonging treatment (2007).

The Society has serious concerns about the frequency with which people in the terminal stages of dementia are artificially fed & hydrated. When people in the late stages of dementia experience great difficulty with swallowing, most people accept that this is part of the dying process and that the most appropriate response is palliative care. The goal of dementia care at this stage is therefore one of comfort and emotional wellbeing - not of prolonging life. The best way to alleviate the pain and distress of a person in the final stages of dementia is through one-to-one nursing. Sips of water of moistening the person's mouth provide a more appropriate and less invasive alternative to artificial hydration.

Added to thread as I believe it to be relevant & helpful.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2010
mums eating problem

my mum cannot eat regular food only pureed and thickened like your mum she was a really fussy eater mum has to have thick and easy put into her drinks and food all she will eat is things sweet not her normal vegetables etc so I give her what she likes ,when she was in hospital she was eating nothing they have sent mum home saying it would not be long before she goes well she is drinking well and having small amounts of food little and often she is not putting any wait on but not losing any she is now confined to bed the hospital arranged for a ripple bed she is very distressed at times as her coccyx is protuding so much where she is so thin. my mum has just had a ninety birthday like your mum always very active but cannot sit up by herself now it is a problem with her always sliding down the bed she said to me this morning in one of her clear moments let me get up and about but all you can do is make your mum as comfy and clean as poss as now my mum after the last two months is incontinent she hates the carers to touch her but as I have regular girls she is getting a bit used to them I change her in the night very difficult alone . You must get some carers in to help you otherwise you will be no good to your mum if you were ill ,I have been looking after my mum now for three years up until three months ago thought I could do it all , but you have to give in sometimes and get help .

kind regards

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