Mum with mixed dementia


New member
Feb 15, 2024
Hi everyone, just found this forum yesterday and finding it very useful especially knowing we all have similar stories. My Mum was officially diagnosed nearly 5 yrs ago although there were signs for many years previous. A month ago shd had a fall in the house which resulted in a broken hip and consequently had surgery. Since then she is now double incontinent and has a long term catheter, eating has always been an issue of the last few years but now its very difficult to get fluids and food down her as her. We are giving food supplement shakes, our fear is that she will waste away very quickly if this continues. Gp been to visit at home today and he was very honest and said that elderly patients do not always have a length life span after hip sugery let alone having dementia and heart failure. In the last 4 weeks she has had back to back UTI's because we cannot get enough fluid into her and has been in and out of hospital on IV fluids. Very difficult time for the family as this is a terrible disease and i completely sympathise for all you guys going through the same thing. X


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @mPierrepoint

Im sorry to hear about your mum. Falls take a terrible toll on elderly people and if there is dementia there in the mix the shock of the fall, pain, fracture and anaesthetic can all progress the dementia. Infections can do this too.

It sounds like the GP has been very honest with you and you should heed what he has said. It may all have been too much for your mum


New member
Feb 15, 2024
Hello @mPierrepoint

Im sorry to hear about your mum. Falls take a terrible toll on elderly people and if there is dementia there in the mix the shock of the fall, pain, fracture and anaesthetic can all progress the dementia. Infections can do this too.

It sounds like the GP has been very honest with you and you should heed what he has said. It may all have been too much for your mum

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