Mum weak today


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
I went to see Mum today and she doesn't seem to have eaten a meal since Sunday. She has no evidence of drinking either- full jug, full glass, you know? I managed to get a glass of water and 2 bites of a Ginger cookie down her and that's all. When I said you must drink mum she just said why? I said cos I need you mum and she said why? I said cos you make my day when you smile and she just looked at me. Her skin looks greyer and paper thin. I hope she is brighter tomorrow.
Hope you have had smiles with your loved ones today, please tell me if you have, and cheer me up! X


Registered User
Jul 1, 2009
Oh Pied,

Can't say I've much to cheer you up either, :(. Been dizzy for two days (dizzier than usual!), but this time, really dizzy, so actually haven't seen many faces to spot a smile on. Been in bed for one whole day...and housebound for 3...:mad:

Don't worry about me though (I know the way you think!). Doctor has prescribed something and I'm sure I'll be dandy again in no time. make you think happy son (Eddie) wet his trousers (a little) and, being so independent, changed them for a pair of summer shorts and sandals. I said he'd be he changed the sandals to ugg boots! :D It was a great look. Might try it myself...

Florence has entertained herself most of the day, and has got to the age / stage where EVERYTHING is hers (mine...mine...mine), even to the point where Ed was on my lap and she said "...No, my seat..."! Charming! :D

Will...well, he smiles a very nervous smile every night when I put him to bed because he's scared...of me! He gets all giggly when I leave the room after putting him to bed...Why? Because a while back, I crept back in after saying night night and made him jump by appearing suddenly at the side of his bed shouting "LOVE YOU!!"! Oh, I know it sounds awful! I do! But at the time it was so funny! He screamed like a baby girl and I laughed for ages afterwards. He laughed too, but not for quite the same reason, and now he gets all nervous as I leave the room...But I haven't done it since that night. I not that mean, but sometimes I suggest I might...The look on his face!

That's where I'm my mother's daughter! :D

So, although I haven't got a touching tale, or a smiley moment as such, I have seen smiles today, and I'm passing them to you.

In fact, I've gone all arty and found a special one just for you today. (Pied, keep your spirits up, sweetie. Tomorrow is another day, and I've been through days like this. I know it's tough... x x x x )


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Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
What a lovely post Annie - really cheered me up. Might try that one on my little girl - the thing you did to Will I mean. I can't believe you did that! I once did something similar to my daughter, scary face, growling "I am not your mummy, I am a monster...!" and she said "oh don't be silly Mummy"

It is a challenge to slip out of a downer mood sometimes when you have had a bad visit. Any tips anyone? How do you manage to lift your chin?! x
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Registered User
Aug 20, 2008
share my excitement.

Hi Pied. Sorry to hear about your Mum. Hope she perks up a bit soon. Nothing to smile about yet. I say "yet" because my little sister has gone into hospital today to be induced. I'm so excited! You're welcome to share in my excitement - I nearly got accosted in the playground this afternoon with people wanting baby news. I've been VERY excited for a week now, and it's infectious! :D Anyway, I've just spoken to her and NOTHING's happening yet. :rolleyes:. Come with me, and join my silly, childish, all-consuming, very infectious excitement. :D:D:D


Registered User
Nov 16, 2008
Hi Pied, I remember having similar conversations with my Mum. That's all you can do, you're doing an amazing job. Xx


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Hi Pied. Sorry things not good. My mum is sundowning, sun upping and anything else you would like to imagine! Have opwned the vino! Brother coming tomorrow and staying the night - bliss!

My William (Sunday name) has had a duvet day today. He fell over on Tuesday and has been very sore. He was still in bed when I got home from work. I woke him and he said 'You look lovely'!! Ahhhhh. I will get him an appointment with the optician tomorrow!!!!!!


Registered User
Jun 30, 2010
Hi Pied,
I hope tomorrow will be a bit brighter for you. I agree with everyone that you are doing an amazing job. She may have forgotten how to smile but inside she may be reaching out to you so never give up hope.
God bless, Jancis


Registered User
Apr 19, 2009
sorry you have had such a bad day
it was a bit cloudy here so we went for a short walk 6miles later:eek: thought we better turn round 6miles back but i had lots of smiles so i will share some with you love larivy


Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
Don't know if this will help but here goes,
Phone went when I was staying with mum and dad, dad went to answer it. Mum went out to kitchen and I heard her talking as if on the phone, so went to look. She was holding the washing up brush to her ear like a phone. When she saw me she said "oh Pippa's here, do you want to talk to her?" and handed it to me. I had a bit of a chat down it too, and then hung up by putting the brush in a jar on the windowsill. I could not help laughing, gave mum a hug and said she was sweet, and we both laughed together.

I hope you have looked at Larivy's thread in the tea room, it is so lovely,

thinking often of you and your mum


Pippa xx


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
Oh so many smiles reading this thread tonight, it's a real tonic. Thank you all for the snippets of joy from your lives, the hugs and the wisdom.
Actually yesterday I took Mum a fresh cream apple turnover. (yum). I said look mum, she looked at the cake for ages, then asked, "is that the Coventry blitz?". I said, "no mum, it's an apple turnover. " Don't we have some weird conversations?
Thanks again x


Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
Pied, my Mum has made me cross today and she has made me smile. I'm sending you some of my smiles and if that doesn't put you off asking for them nothing will>:):D:)x.

Sally are you an Aunty yet...keep us posted.x.


Registered User
Jul 1, 2009
Hope there are smiles today

Morning Pied,

Sending love your way
For a much, much better day.
With loads of cheery smiles
For miles and miles and miles
Mums will eat & drink
Well, a little bit, I think.
But Pied...a bit of advice
Just because you're really nice
Don't offer her banana splits
Coz that could be the London Blitz...


Bless her! "'s an apple turnover!". That's like my dad's version of "...Annie, don't forget the pilchards...". That was mid sentence between mum was leaving him and he was going to top himself... But at least there would be pilchards in the food delivery...

Let me know if today is a little brighter because I'm willing it to be...:)

Lots of love,


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
Thank you for thinking of me - am taking a home made rice pud to the home tonight. With fresh blackberries. Will let you know how it goes! Xx


Registered User
Dec 1, 2006
Hope your visit goes OK Pied. Home made rice pud and blackberries sounds truly scrumptious.xx
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Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble

Well what a difference. Mum was quite with it (the TV was off - she said, "When I watch Midsomer Murders, I think it's real!":rolleyes:)

I fed her the rice pud and blackberries, she knew straight away it was food and it was like feeding a baby bird. She scoffed the lot! :D

Then she had a cup of tea!:)

She did ask if Princess Diana died on her wedding day but I thought that was amazingly on the ball compared with how she has been. I had bought her a commemorative magazine about Kate and Wills and she was really thrilled with it. (She's a total Royalist - she remembers the King coming to Coventry the day after the Blitz.)

Then she said, "Why am I so thin?":confused: a lot and then, "I'm not normal, you know. I don't walk like normal people. Why don't I walk? I should walk. What's wrong with me?" :(

We had a good old time, though, - I think she was seriously pogged out by the food. I am not saying she will eat rice pud next time I go, as everything is hit and miss, but it was lovely to see her brighter.

I checked her shoulders and they look very red. Her ankles seem ok though.

I have left BBC1 on so she can watch Children in Need. She likes John Barrowman and Kate Silverton!

Hope you have all had good days and you get some good news soon Aunty Sally. Got everything crossed for your little sis.

Kassy Happy Birthday to your son!

Thanks for thinking of me today.
