mum very agitated starting to frighten me??


Account Closed
Jul 4, 2013
My mum seems very restless and agitated its doing my head in.

Shes constantly moaning about being bored she flung her knitting at the wall??

I just dont know what to do she has very few interests and no social life

ive asked her to go shopping no interest too hot(very cool here today)

She scares me when shes like this as her anger is getting worse

Have made apt to see private tom cant cope i need a pro involved now

I dont like being around her like this wondering if shes going to flare up and verbally attack me

She goes mad if im occupied and shes not getting attention

Cant cope cant live like this

Want out!:(


Registered User
Jan 19, 2011
North East England
I feel for you. I'm also scared of my mam's possible violence towards me, which is why I can no longer look after her to give my dad a break. He chooses to accept her violence towards him but I'm not prepared to.

I'm not surprised you want out. Hope you get the help and support you need very quickly - is your appointment tomorrow?



Registered User
Sep 24, 2012
My mum seems very restless and agitated its doing my head in.

Shes constantly moaning about being bored she flung her knitting at the wall??

I just dont know what to do she has very few interests and no social life

ive asked her to go shopping no interest too hot(very cool here today)

She scares me when shes like this as her anger is getting worse

Have made apt to see private tom cant cope i need a pro involved now

I dont like being around her like this wondering if shes going to flare up and verbally attack me

She goes mad if im occupied and shes not getting attention

Cant cope cant live like this

Want out!:(

hi nerak

My mum sounds very simiar to yours, when she was still living at home, with my son, she used to get very agitated and was always angry and used to hit him and swear at him if he tried to stop her going out in the night. Eventually we had to put her in a care home because we could no longer cope with her behaviour. She settled really well into the home,but when we visit she still gets angry with us and demands we take her out, which we do , then after 10 mins she gets all worked up again and wants to go back to the home. It is so hard not to get frustrated and angry with her but I have to remind myself that it isnt her doing this its the terrible illness which has took over her.


Account Closed
Jul 4, 2013
Thanks guys!

Before xmas last year my friend and neighbour kept telling me my mum was showing signs of dementia I didnt want to go there I suppose? I thought weve been through so much with her since childhood and her health that no way could GOD be so cruel as to have this.

Then in march I went to see a psychic(I know but she was good and id been before)

The first thing she asked me was "whats up with your mum???" was shocked I told her she was suffering very bad depression?

She said its NOT depression its dementia she needs help as its going to get worse she said my family will not agree(spooky) and you are going to go through hell for 6mths then a light and happiness by the end of the year!!

Now I dont live my life by this BUT started to google and could see signs were there.

Only on this site a week and if my mum hasnt got dementia im a chinaman!!

Its all new and scary but so much running around it hasnt hit me yet its like its sureal that its not really happening??

Once shes dignosed and the pros explain all this thats when I will start to grieve I guess.

I feel so sorry for your dad he wants so much to do the right thing when nobody can do anything really listening to others who are late stages makes me shiver as we know we are going to be there BUT then again I have a strong feeling that mum will not make it to this stage she is so unhealthy and has diabetes maybe im wrong but its just a gut feeling that we may not suffer with this for much longer?

I just cant cope its the anticipation of violence or anger and having had an abusive father and ex this is not going to repeat itself ive come along way and I aint going back there illness or no illness.

Your dad may have to give in soon heres hoping poor man its awful just soul destroying my mum tells the family shes scared of me theyve so much to learn but refuse to get invovled.

I know im IT when the real abuse will come and she gets worse I can see the nurses telling me not to visit?? when im the one who really cared?? but as I said hopefully it wont come that far.

GOD! im here typing away and shes come in with spuds she wants to make chips I DONT BLOODY WELL THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek: honestly I think she does this to annoy me to get my attention:mad::mad::mad:


Registered User
Jun 16, 2013
I've just been in the sitting room doing a job in there keeping mum company (physically writing out the contacts from my old phone because I don't know how to save to sim)

She has been driving me mad asking what she should be doing...she is very immobile but I have suggested having a little walk around the house with her frame, doing the leg exercises her friend has suggested she do etc.

So she drives me away by spitefully scrunching up her face and saying "stupid, stupid" really strongly and viciously, obviously aimed at me. When I peered at her over my glasses, there was some very self-conscious "ahem, splutter, spluttering" trying to cover up.

Better that I remove myself...I was only trying to keep her company :eek::confused: