Mum passing


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you my condolences and wishing you strength for the time to come. Please keep visiting this forum you’ll find ongoing support here.


Registered User
Feb 20, 2022
My mum passed on Mother’s Day, and my god I feel lost too. I cared for her, lived with her, saw her every day, loved her more than anything, and she was my best friend. Now I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know how I’m going to live without her in a way. I will do, because she taught me how to cope without her, without me knowing it. I feel for you @chrissiemary take each day as it comes. Remember to eat, drink and sleep, thats allI’m doing at the minute.
Remember you are not alone. ❤️


Registered User
Oct 15, 2023
Hi Chrissiemary so sorry to hear of you mums passing and how much it is affecting you.
My mum died in October. To keep her close I go to her grave and plant another flower. Chat to her. Walk round and read other grave stones. Ive volunteered to help in the cemetery . Just to help other families.
Ive had bereavement counselling which has helped a lot. As i sort through her items, very slowly, i cherish every moment. See it as spending time with her.
Ive put some of her plants on her grave and have her bird feeders in my allotment. So shes never far away.
Your mum will always be in your heart. Memories of her, will always be there. They don't ever go away.
I have no idea if there is an afterlife etc. I just liked chatting to her. Sharing photos she kept. Sharing books she read. They have given me great comfort, just sharing her memories.
We all find a way that brings family close to our hearts. Each is different. But each is important.
Learn to hold her in your heart. Its different to holding her, but its a good second best.
Give yourself time. Dont rush how you feel. Do nice things for yourself. I make sure I go for walks, do photography, see friends. Watch films. Sleep during the day if I am too tired. Anything. Have peace on my own to reflect. Take your time and be kind to yourself. X

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