Mum has just been diagnosed


Registered User
Apr 27, 2014
Hello Everyone
My mum has just been diagnosed and we have been given no advise as to where we can get help and advise from, so thought I'd start here!
My mum is 79 years old and has been struggling with memory problems for a few months. On her most recent memory test she did worse than the one 6 months ago, so went to see the doctor and he said it was the start of Alzheimers Dementia.
I couldn't believe it, we knew something was going on but not that.
I am really looking to see if anyone can advise on where we can get help from, whether anyone could come out and speak to mum and the family about it and what to expect. I have read things on the internet, but I just got so upset I couldn't read it for the tears.
Anyway, if anyone could help or advise, me and my family would appreciate it.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2013
Hello there,
Sorry to hear your news. I'm in a similar position to you - my mum is 81 and her memory has been deteriorating at an alarming rate. I found the GP was hopeless, and the most helpful people were at a memory clinic that the local NHS/ hospital had just set up, where she had a proper scan, psychiatric appraisal and consultation in one go. Even so, I still have questions as she is getting worse so quickly - so I am going to try and get advice from dementia helplines and go to a local Memory Cafe, set up by Dementia UK near us, and nationwide. Maybe see if your/her area has a memory clinic, or try Dementia Uk/memory cafe support. I'd love to hear how you get on. Good luck.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2014
Hello Everyone
My mum has just been diagnosed and we have been given no advise as to where we can get help and advise from, so thought I'd start here!
My mum is 79 years old and has been struggling with memory problems for a few months. On her most recent memory test she did worse than the one 6 months ago, so went to see the doctor and he said it was the start of Alzheimers Dementia.
I couldn't believe it, we knew something was going on but not that.
I am really looking to see if anyone can advise on where we can get help from, whether anyone could come out and speak to mum and the family about it and what to expect. I have read things on the internet, but I just got so upset I couldn't read it for the tears.
Anyway, if anyone could help or advise, me and my family would appreciate it.

MIL was diagnosed in Dec 2013 and the two most helpful things I have found are this website and The Alzheimers Society, ring the national number for help, or google your local office.
The GP has been useless and we were left off the list for the memory clinic/nurse (now firmly on it).
It's not an easy path, but most questions seem to have an answer on this website and you soon learn that what you are experiencing is sadly fairly common. If you need help dont wait for it to come to you, start ringing around, be firm that you need help and usually it will happen.
Hope this helps.


Registered User
Apr 27, 2014
Hello there,
Sorry to hear your news. I'm in a similar position to you - my mum is 81 and her memory has been deteriorating at an alarming rate. I found the GP was hopeless, and the most helpful people were at a memory clinic that the local NHS/ hospital had just set up, where she had a proper scan, psychiatric appraisal and consultation in one go. Even so, I still have questions as she is getting worse so quickly - so I am going to try and get advice from dementia helplines and go to a local Memory Cafe, set up by Dementia UK near us, and nationwide. Maybe see if your/her area has a memory clinic, or try Dementia Uk/memory cafe support. I'd love to hear how you get on. Good luck.

Hi There
Thanks for responding to me and for your advise. Will try and find out about Memory Cafes near me and I did yesterday ring mums social worker and she is going to send me some details on help too, so hopefully we can find out abit more.
Sorry to hear you are going through the same thing and I wish you the best of luck too.


Registered User
Apr 27, 2014
MIL was diagnosed in Dec 2013 and the two most helpful things I have found are this website and The Alzheimers Society, ring the national number for help, or google your local office.
The GP has been useless and we were left off the list for the memory clinic/nurse (now firmly on it).
It's not an easy path, but most questions seem to have an answer on this website and you soon learn that what you are experiencing is sadly fairly common. If you need help dont wait for it to come to you, start ringing around, be firm that you need help and usually it will happen.
Hope this helps.
Hi There
Thanks for coming back to me, we were at the memory clinic and they didn't give us any advise, but think I will ring them today to see what they can advise. Have had a look on here and there is a lot of information.
Thanks again and best of luck to you.

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