Moving care home, identifying needs


Registered User
Oct 23, 2013
Hello there, I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction?
My mother is in her 80s and I'm in the process of getting a formal diagnosis via memory clinic, hoping to get her on some medication but she may have moved past this point. She's increasingly confused- but not unhappy-over the last six months. Her GP is helpful. I have Enduring Power of Attorney registered and am (sadly) in the middle of selling and clearing her home.

Mother has health issues incl. leukaemia, bad circulation, some kidney failure, sores on legs (managed OK), arthritis, previous mental health problems, falls, is incontinent and prone to infections because of leukaemia. Infection makes everything worse but she is now always disorientated. She knows me and my son. She could not cope after a heart attack last year and now lives in a care home, which she funds.

Staff are kind, look after her well, but soon can't accommodate her increasing needs. Dementia is a new problem - she undresses in the middle of the day, on occasion forgets to dress, is losing things and they have suggested an EMI home after Christmas, once she has a diagnosis.

I need to get mother's health needs identified and some idea of rate of progression of dementia and other health issues esp. leukaemia, so I can find appropriate care for her. I would also like to know how she might get any financial help with medical/nursing care. She is on a lot of medication. I don't live locally and have a teenage son. Her GP and social services are in different areas and I know from experience that each authority will say the other is responsible. I am loath to change GP.

Should I ask Social Services to assess her? The care home think I'm mad to suggest this but at least something up-to-date would be on record. Should I look round other care/nursing homes? Should I ask the NHS to use the Decision Tool (who?GP?)

Mother of course, can't see why she can't return home....I'd appreciate any pointers and support.


Registered User
Apr 16, 2012
If the care home think you're mad to involve social services, I would listen. If she's been diagnosed with dementia, a CPN might help. We had one see MIL in hospital and he was very helpful and realised that, although she "presents well" she was quite far down the dementia road.

I made a list of all the nursing homes (that's what you need) within reach and rang them all. Quite a lot said they couldn't meet MIL's needs. As far as your Mum is concerned, you need to know if she needs EMI care or whether a nursing home whose staff are dementia trained would be the right place.

Good luck, it's a very nerve racking process in my experience.