Moving advice


New member
Mar 26, 2024
Hi there im new to forum and looking for a little bit of advise. My dad was diagnosed approx 6 months ago as we noticed a big change in his behaviour. He lives by himself in our family home, just turned 80. Myself and my sister are no longer local and work so dont get to him as often as he needs. A social worker has started visiting him once a week for company. We are now looking at moving him nearer to either my self or my sister into a retirement village. We want him to still have his independence but along with us, carers and others to be around to support. He has agreed to move as he is struggling and there are lots of things hes not doing like washing, cleaning etc. Has anyone else moved their loved one to a retirement village and how did it work out.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
I think the important thing to remember is that dementia is progressive and moves to new places can make that progression happen faster. Even with all the help you hoe to give, your dad will eventually need 24/7 care and this won’t be available in a retirement village. So my point is would it be worth the move only to have to move him again. That’s not to say it won’t work but your family need to bear this in mind.

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