More hard to rite


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Im can't remember how to make a new one so is hipe to put this here is ok. Im find that paper from the doctor up in the real bigg town i think is hide me that one but leeve it in the truck says these words
F01.B4 Vascular Dementia, Moderate stage, w/Anxious Features

Im not to sure so to ask what that is meening all the rest is a lot off words that are some confuse for me but that one is saying diagnosis and im copy rite off that paper
Is mean to get more bad and maybe die soon or got some time to figger out some beter things my family? Im sory to bother on you but you folk is smart on this thing thank you..


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @MatthewB

Dont worry about the spelling, we can understand what you have written

The paper is just saying that you have dementia. The type of dementia is vascular dementia, but you do not need worry about that.

You are at the moderate stage, so you are not going to die yet!

It is also saying that you are anxious. Perhaps anti-anxiety medication might help? You might be taking them already, though, so I would ask your wife about it.



Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hello @MatthewB

It is always good to hear from you. I’m so pleased you find this forum helpful.

@canary has given you good advice.

My mum also has vascular dementia. She is further along than you, but still is able to have a good time and enjoy being with her family and being out in the countryside,

Take care


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @MatthewB . Yes it is good to hear from you, and please never worry about spelling. Mine is never brilliant!

As others have said, moderate stage dementia - your'e not going to die yet, you will have time , as you put it, to sort and figure things out with your family.

Take care and all the best to you and your family

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @MatthewB I’m really pleased you still feel there is support here for you.

I’m not surprised you are anxious. All I can advise is you discuss your worries with your wife and definitely with your doctor. The doctor will know if your anxiety can be eased with medication and the right medication will help you make the best of your life in spite of your difficulties

Never apologise for your spelling. The most important thing is you are willing to share your worries and allow us to offer support


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Thank s you all im glad to not die riet now i need to get some more thing strayet my family. I dont now was axious but i do wory some must be the same. Found another words that paper to says dysgraphia and dyslexia i think I herd that dxlexia but i thogt just was little kids got that but guss im rong. You now that those one? You all now a lot and you are ver nise.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Found another words that paper to says dysgraphia and dyslexia i think I herd that dxlexia but i thogt just was little kids got that but guss im rong.
Dyslexia just means difficulty with reading and/or writing - its a medical word.
Yes, young children can get it and that is usually where we hear the word, but adults can also get it from a stroke, or head injury, or dementia


New member
Oct 9, 2023
I'm sorry you are going through this. Can your spouse go with you for testing? She can maybe get you there and get you admitted by helping with paperwork. Its good that you are seeking help because you may get some answers and help with medication or care for you and your spouse.

Jake's Nan

Registered User
Aug 12, 2021
Matthew its so hard to hear this I know, I was with my brother when he was told he was being medically retired by his Company at just 58 years old. He was a senior archaeologist the only job he'd ever had. We asked about part time work or even volunteering but I think the Health and Safety is just too great. Once he had accepted it all he admitted it was nice to be stress free from work and driving. Take care.

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