Money - dementia and widowed


New member
Nov 22, 2023
Hi I am becoming increasingly anxious for my mother who has recently become widowed.

I was not aware of their financial position until now as I've had to step in under power of attorney.
I was under the impression they were financially stable.

She is only 60, and this is a big reason for my concern.

She has been in hospital for the last 2 months and awaiting for 24 hour care rehab and they are not sure how she will recover from the initial admission which has uncovered a rapid and rare form of dementia that I don't fully understand, and I don't think the doctors do to be honest given how long this has been going on.

She has 15-20k secured against the house as an equity release which I plan to pay off asap because it rapidly increases the debt over time with no payment back required.

She has roughly 20k in current account and 90,000 in her pension.

I'm just not sure how she can live when she's been in drawdown withdrawing approximately £700/month after tax.

I really don't know what to do.
She does own her own home (minus equity release) worth approximately £275-300k, is the answer selling her home, downsizing and investing the rest back into her pension with a lower monthly payment?

What other options are do we have, if any?


Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
With that level of assests she will be termed a "Self Funder" by the local Authority, ie she will have to pay for all her Care needs from her own resorces.
You really do need professional Financial Advice, quickly.



Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Agree you need professional advice.
One thing to note is that you might get preferential release from the equity release is she is in permanent residential care so study contract before you jump.
Most schemes will require repayment if she goes into care.