Mil Very Near End Of Life ??


Registered User
Jun 16, 2013
Carara, your post brought tears to my eyes - you have shared so much, and I thank you for it, although I just can't imagine what you've been through and had no idea that you had children there with you as well. How did they cope?

What a Superwoman you have been!

Hope things go easily and calmly for this next little bit and then go and have a lovely relaxing break :)


Registered User
Jan 29, 2009
Tears in my eyes reading your post Carara - thank you for letting us know how things are. I have been very moved and inspired by what is shared and the support given on threads like yours and Piedwarbler's. The passing of someone you are caring for can be intensely personal but also very challenging and I think the support gained from TP must be invaluable.

Be gentle with yourself and the family - as you say, its a huge change and a big gap in your life now. But I am sure it must sustain you in darker moments to know what a huge and beneficial impact you had on your MiL's life and her passing.

I hope your holiday refreshes and restores both you and hubby and that you can find some peace now.

Do take care and please come back and post when you feel able to,

With love



Registered User
Jul 8, 2008
I've followed your posts, but not commented before.

I too have tears in my eyes reading your latest post and I hope you have time to rest and recover from the past few weeks.

Your MIL was very fortunate to have you on her side!

Take care and I hope the holiday is everything you need and want it to be.


Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Hi Carara,

I was offline due to computer death and then couldn't find your thread.
So it is over. Peace for everyone at last.
Not every story has a happy ending, but this one has a peaceful ending.
A holiday sounds like a much needed change.
You ran several back to back marathons, as did your hubby.
I bet MIL is much happier where she is now.
Hugs and thank you for sharing, BE


Registered User
Apr 27, 2010
Tyne and Wear
There are tears in my eyes too from reading your post. Take care and hope you and your husband have a good rest. I am sure your MIL would want you to. xx


Registered User
Jul 19, 2013
So sorry to hear your news

Hello Carara,
I have not posted before but just wanted to say how I was to hear about your MIL and how moved I have been by your posts. A good friend of mine is nursing her mum who is nearing the end of her life and I have sent her the link to a website mentioned by Fifimo (thank you). My own mum's dementia is worsening and I feel she is "giving up" so your posts have really resonated with me, and reminded me of my father's passing when I was 19, from terminal cancer. Thank you. Sending you condolences and warm wishes that you will enjoy your holiday. I hope I can be as devoted a carer to my mum as you have been to your MIL. She was lucky to have you. x


Registered User
Feb 4, 2011
Carara, I've just managed to log in and read your posts. I'm so sorry your have lost your MIL; so glad that after such painful end of life care, that her death was peaceful for you all, and most importantly that you were there at the very end, to share her release and to know that after the agonised last days, the end was gentle, that she said goodbye with a smile. There is nothing unfinished; no more you or your husband could have done; a loving end is what everyone would wish for,for those whom we care for - and even perhaps for those, whom we don't.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday and that you can relax. There will be tears, I'm sure, but none of them tinged with regret or guilt. Well done you - time for you. x


Registered User
Jun 10, 2012
South Gloucs
Hi All

Thankyou so much for your support & kind words

Mom passed away at 7.45pm tonight

Holding my hand & huby stood at side she gave huge smile,flicked her eyes and eventually slipped away

The day has been sheer torture but she`s now Thankfully at peace

x x x

I lost track of this thread and only just found you again. So sad to hear about your MIL's passing but my goodness me, you did her proud. Its an amazing thing you did for her - I hope this brings you comfort. Sorry for your loss xxxxx