Memory clinic


Registered User
Nov 5, 2023
My husband has had a brain scan and two memory tests. The memory clinic have just rung with a telephone "feedback" appointment for Friday. Maybe, as it is by telephone, the news isn't bad or are they just saving appointment times. Scary! I fear it's not good news with all the problems we are experiencing.


Staff Member
Staff member
May 5, 2020
Hi @DiW

Welcome to the Dementia Support Forum.

Thank you for bravely making your first post, hopefully someone will be along soon to offer you further support, and advice.

I just wanted to let you know, you have been heard.

Take care.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @DiW and welcome to the forum from me also. I think that recently more of the memory clinics have been arranging telephone appointments so I would not read too much into that, although i do think that face to face meetings are better.
You say that you fear that the news will not be good because of the issues that you have already faced, but no matter how prepared we are when given a diagnosis for a loved one it still comes as a shock. I would suggest that prior to the telephone consultation that you write out a list of any possible queries that you might have so that you do not forget them.
It is hard to give you any advice at present without more information, but I would suggest that after the consultation that you com back to the forum and ask any further questions that you might have. Our members have a vast knowledge of dementia in all of its forms and are always willing to give advice and support.